Quote 71 + A/N

948 38 5

Robbie: *sends a warm cookie dough recipe*
Chase: I'm sure it's fire
Robbie: What is fire?
Chase: nevermind
Robbie: no enlighten me
Chase: I forgot who I was talking to
Robbie: ok

Hey I'm not dead- Sorry for not posting here in a while. I dont really have an excuse, I just didnt post...

Also we're over at 40k reads which is fucking mental. Thank you for all the votes, comments and support! You guys are amazing. If you have any 40k reads celebration ideas then please let me know. But I'm not doing a face reveal so dont suggest that!

Also this is an actual text conversation I had with my mum and I think I should be shot for saying 'fire' in that context. She genuinely thought I'd meant to send that message to someone else as well.

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