Quote 56

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Anti: Hey, let's do 'Get Help'.
Dark: What?
Anti: 'Get Help'.
Dark: No.
Anti: Come on. You love it.
Dark: I hate it.
Anti: It's great. It works every time.
Dark: It's humiliating.
Anti: Do you have a better plan?
Dark: No.
Anti: We're doing it.
Dark: We are not doing 'Get Help'.

[Anti carries Dark out of the elevator in front of the guards]
Anti: Get help! Please! My friend is dying! Get help! Help him!

[as the guard approach them, Anti throws Dark at them, knocking them down]

Anti: A classic.
Dark: [gets up]  I still hate it. It's humiliating.
Anti: Not for me, it's not.

LOOK GUYS! I actually did this myself! I didn't get this from tumblr! Are you proud? Yes, I stole it from Thor Ragnarok (a great movie by then way. Korg is amazing and Loki is still hot as FUCK) but I added the characters myself!

Sorry updates are getting rarer and rarer. I can barely remember that this book exists lmfao.

Thank you for over 4k reads. It's insane I'm saying that. I hope you all enjoy this cause of you don't... I'm sorry...

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