Chapter 3

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Finally,it is break time. Everybody left the class and head to the canteen. I was the last to leave to avoid walking in a crowded hallway with pink hair which attracts attention.

I walked in the now empty hallway to the rooftop for privacy. I'd rather be alone. On my way to the stairs,I met Kimimaro. Oh great..

"Kimimaro-sensei" I greeted with a nod.

"Saku-chan.. What is a girl doing here?" He looked down at me.

"What do you mean? I'm a boy" I said in a monotone voice.

"If you are a boy,you wouldn't mind if I do this,right?" He said as his right hand reaches for my chest.

A vein appeared on my head and I slapped his hands away.

"Get your filthy hands off me" I glared at him.

"You are a fun one.." He smirked and walked away.

I continued to the stairs until I heard whimpers. A noise I know too well. Being bullied. Oh great. CAN'T I GET PEACE? NOW WHO THE HECK IS BULLYING?!

I stomped to the source of the noise and saw a mushroom head kid with bushy brows bullied by the group of boys I beaten up earlier.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?" I growled,staring daggers at them.

"Mind your own business" Sasuke glared back.

"I wouldn't mind if you pick on someone strong or a big number of people,but what you are doing now is bullying a wimp! Don't tell me the only person you can beat up is a wimp?" I spat. "Pathetic" I smirked.

"Why you..." Sasuke growled and almost landed a hit on me.

I caught his fist and kicked his shin,causing him to kneel on a knee. I kicked his abdomen leaving him thrown to hit a wall. I glared at the rest if the group. They looked at me with hatred and humiliation.

I walked over to them and pulled the victim out of there. I brought him to the infirmary to be assisted. Inside,I saw Kabuto.

"This guy here was bullied by a group of boys. Oh,one of his bullies might come here too" I said as a dragged the guy on to the bed.

"T-Thank you.. I-I'm Lee,you are?" He said weakly.

"Saku. Kabuto,what are you doing standing there?" I glared at him,snapping him out of his daze.

"I was just wondering.. Why am I not surprised that you have already made a reputation when it isn't even half of school yet. I have treated 5 injured boys already,which I assume it was you?" He said with a smile. I rolled my eyes.

"Ciao" I said and walked back to class,seeing time is limited. I sighed at the time wasted.

I sat on my place and noticed the glares I receive from the group. I also noticed that Sasuke isn't here. I smirked inwardly. I hope he doesn't disturb that Lee again.

"How do you do,class? I'll be your History teacher,Jirobo" A voice spoke. I looked at him with a bored expression. A fat ass.. Great.. He is tan with orange hair and goldenrod coloured eyes. I sighed mentally for God knows how many times.

I could care less about History or any other subjects. I have already master it all.

"Alright,seeing all of you have such 'enthusiasm' attitude,I would like to have a small test" He said sarcastically. Most of the class groaned,but I inwardly smirked.

How difficult would the test be? I thought.

"Hand me the papers after you are done. This paper contains the most difficult questions. Good luck" He said while handing us the papers each.

I flipped the paper over and immediately answered it with ease. Are you kidding?? This is fucking easy! I smirked.

I finished 10 questions 10 minutes. I stood up,causing everyone to look at me in shock and amusement. Mostly shock,even the teacher. I ignored them and passed the paper to him and walked back to my seat.

"Perfect..score..." Jirobo muttered and gaped at me. Including the students. Those emotionless bastards with too much pride stared at me with eyes wide opened.

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