Chapter 23

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Itachi's POV

The four of us separated to look for Sakura. Suddenly,I heard muffled noises from a storage room.

The moment I slammed the storage door open,I saw a sight which made my blood boil. I unconsciously swat a white haired guy across the room and kneeled in front of Sakura.

Her eyes were red and puffy. Her lips were bruised from being kissed too harshly. Her cheeks were swollen as if she was slapped hard. I slapped myself mentally and quickly untie her.

She threw her arms around me and sobbed in my chest. My heart hurt when I saw her this way. She was always strong..and now... I stroke her hair,calming her down and also stopping myself from ripping him into shreds.

"KIMIMARO!" Orochimaru shouted.

Sakura looked up. I turned and saw Orochimaru slamming the white head from earlier into a wall.

So he is Kimimaro..

Sasori and Kabuto ran to Sakura and took a look at her. Their eyes widened. Orochimaru caught a glimpse of Sakura and he was filled with rage. Sasori as well.

My fringe casted a shadow over my eyes as I walked towards Kimimaro. I grabbed his collar and punched his nose.

I was going to strike again,but Orochimaru stopped me. I glared at him.

"As much as I want to kill him,we can't. We have enough evidence to send him to jail" He said and squeezed my shoulders.

I breathed heavily and relaxed. We called the cops and he was arrested from kidnapping and harassing.

Sakura passed out from exhaustion of crying to much.

All four of us sat in the living room.

"Orochimaru-san.. May I stay until Sakura wakes up?" I asked.

"Yes,you may. It is all thanks to you that we found her." He said.

"Thank you"

"I have seen how much you cared for her.. Although you don't show it. Please,take a good care of Sakura,or you will meet you death" Orochimaru said.

I blushed lightly and my eyes were slightly wide.


"I think you will be the first person she wants to meet when she wakes up. You should accompany her" Kabuto said with a slight frown.

"Please,excuse me" I said and walked into her room.

I sat by her bed and looked at her peaceful face.

I am very sure that I love you,Sakura.

I can't live without you.

Sasori's POV

"Don't worry,I'm sure he will treat her right." I assured both Orochimaru and Kabuto. Although.. I'm worried myself..

"I believe he is a good man,seeing how he lost his control. Being an Uchiha,this must be difficult for him." Orochimaru said.

"Sakura loves him. We can't stop her. We can only watch over her" Kabuto sighed.

I have known Itachi for years and he didn't show the slightest affection towards a lady.

I guess Sakura is in good hands..or I'll beat the crap out of him.

"He loves her,thats for sure." I smiled.

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