Chapter 1

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This is an experimental piece, If you liked Good Boy Peter, this should be right up your ally. Give it a try let me know what you think. Again this is dedicated to a dear friend who taught me a lot about what it is to be a minority. Thank you, Lucas.

Nick made his way through the crowded high school halls towards his locker. He didn't bother trying to make room for the hundreds of other people walking the halls. After the first few times he had casually knocked someone out, male or female, for being in his walking path, everyone learned to stay out of his way.

Nick didn't view himself as a violent person, just someone who didn't like to be bothered, and when another person entered his personal bubble they got a negative response that they never wanted to experience again.

He reached his locker and entered the combination with deft fingers, opening his locker with ease. Nick shrugged his backpack off his right shoulder and allowed the bag to slide down his left arm and onto his waiting propped right knee. He opened the bag and pulled out his history textbook and stuffed it into his locker. He removed his pre-calculus textbook and put it in his bag before zipping it up and slinging his backpack back onto his back and shutting his locker simultaneously.

Nick turned to leave but collided with someone before he could take a single step. The person he collided with was smaller than he was and bounced off of Nick, ending up in a sprawled heap on the floor. Nick glanced down at the fool who was stupid enough to get so close to him.

Light brown eyes looked up at him in terror At least the runt was smart enough to be terrified. Nick thought.

More of the face came into focus. Brown hair flopped over the terrified eyes which led down to a small nose, freckled covered cheeks, and small pink lips which rested above a quivering chin. There wasn't a masculine element to that face and yet it was obvious based on the clothes and the runt's build that this was indeed a boy.

Nick snarled down at the kid, normally he would have left it at that, but something made Nick reach down and lift the boy by the collar of his t-shirt up to his face. Nick noticed three things, one the kid felt as light as a feather, two how short the kid was, compared to himself, and three how utterly terrified he was.

The kid looked ready to piss himself, and Nick could see the beginnings of tears forming in the kid's eyes.

"Don't get in my way again or I won't be the one held responsible for what happens next. Got it?" Nick growled out through gritted teeth.

The runt let out some form of a squeak before Nick let him go and the boy dropped down the inch or two he was being held in the air and nearly tripped over his feet in his haste to get away from Nick.

Nick allowed a smirk to grace his lips as he watched the retreating form. Another story would soon be added to his growing infamy. Hopefully, the kid and everyone who had witnessed the incident would exaggerate the story.

It probably wasn't the healthiest way for Nick to establish himself in this new school but after moving schools every few months for as long as he could remember; Nick had discovered this was the fastest way to get people to leave him alone.

Nick wasn't a bad student, he just had to deal with the shadow that his father cast. The man seemed to dog Nick's footsteps and color everything he did, that was the price that came with fame, but it wasn't something Nick had signed up for.

Since Preschool any friendships or relationships Nick had made seemed to end up having an ulterior motive to get to his father or another member of his family. Nick soon discovered that it was better to not have any friendships or relationships rather than fake ones.

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