11 - Reforming his old life

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Charlie's point of view.

Beams of light streamed through the worn wooden slats covering the holes that once contained glistening panes of glass. Thousands of dust particles danced and swirled in each ray of light that shone through, onto shards of crystal from a smashed chandelier that once hung from the ceiling; the refracted light spattering the shattered and worn black and white tile floor with an iridescent rainbow of colour. Despite the lustrous glow the light beams played upon this room, the depleted nature of this building could not be concealed. Dust clung to every surface, cobwebs lay draped over cloth covered objects and the smell of damp hung in the air like a disease that had eradicated the fruitful perfume of the outside air long ago. A house once loved, now abandoned.

I slapped her hard across the face, she winced in pain. Leila was used to this, this must of been a blast from the past for her. She looked down at her feet, dazed at the first blow to her face. I tipped her head back, and threw a blow to her stomach. She didn't react in anyway what so ever. I grabbed a fistfull of her red locks. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. She pulled at the cuffs holding her to the chair, i could see the metal biting into her flesh. She was still wearing her uniform, i had taken her straight from her college.

"What did i fucking tell you last time! Stay away from Brandon, he's got Lauren now, he dosen't need to anymore you druggie bitch!"

"Fuck off Charlie" She spat.

I landed a blow to the right side of her face, she spat the blood onto the floor below. She laughed, her teeth were as red as her locks. Did i feel bad for doing this? I'd been doing this all my life. I moved close to her face and stroked her cheek, She tensed at my touch.

"If you're lucky, this won't scar at all. Thats if you stay away this time, or i come back and get you. Leila."

I untied the restraints that held her onto the chair, she looked lifeless, but her chest was still rising and falling, i was experienced enough to know how to bring someone to the brim of death without actually killing them. She didn't moved at first, but after a splash with a bucket of cold water she soon responded. She looked at me coldy. I walked around the empty house, her voice echoed around the vast area. I didn't plan on keeping her here long, just a short warning. She was still slumped in the chair, making no attmept to escape, eventhough i had just set her free.

"We used to be friends, you and me Charlie." She breathed helplessly.

"That was when Brandon was in the ring, i only tolerated you because of him." I bit back "Now get out of here before i do actually kill you, and go near Brandon again and consider yourself six feet under, now fuck off!"

"Remember when i used to come and watch Brandon train?"

"Get the fuck out of here!" I bellowed.

She scrambled from the chair, blood pouring from her face, i was emotionless as usual. She stumbled through the door, not daring to look behind her . Job done. I walked outside and watched her hop off into the distance, we were in the middle of nowhere, i found it funny that Leila had reappeared. I wandered off into the night, my pick up truck was parked somewhere along this road, i couldn't for the life of me remember who. I ran my thumb over my knuckled, a fresh cut and surfaced from the blow to Leila's face, It wasn't serious, and besides i'd had injuries that amounted to and from alot worse I dialed. Brandon's number.


"Charlie, pal! Wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon, there a problem?"

"It's done."

"Already? That's the quickest you've ever done something for me pal, you sure she'll back off?"

"Well you did alot for me back in the day, and i'm positive. I don't think she'll be able to stand her own reflection for a month, let alone alone human being."

"That's great Charlie, thanks man, i'll come and see you soon yeah? We can have a few drinks in that bar we used to go to, remember the old days, picking up the rough sorts that used to hang around that place."

I laughed.

"Yeah that'd be great pal, see you soon."

I ended the call. Maybe, with a little push, i could coax Brandon to reforming, joining back with the gang and reforming his old life, minus Leila and the drugs of course. He was a good little fighter, sorted a dozen people out for me when i needed him to, he was good in the ring, real good. It would be great to have him back. It was funny, how i'd just allowed a little boy to dictate to me, but i suppose if Leila began shouting her mouth off, the whole operation would come crashing down, and i didn't fancy spending the rest of my life in a cell.

I'd known Brandon for years, after his dad had died and his mum did a runner, i took him in and began teaching him how to fight, he was a quick and keen leaner, i liked that in a lad. On his 16th birthday i decided to put him into one of our gang fights, he wasn't keen at first, but once he was in the ring he seemed comfortable. That was the first time i had met Leila too, she showed up at the fight, just to watch. Brandon had glanced around the crowd and locked eyes with her, i nstantly saw their attraction to each other. After the fight i caught them kissing in the locker room, and everything started from there, i wondered it they were just two lonely people seeking affection, looks like i was right.

Brandon's point of view.

I felt at ease, knowing that Leila wouldn't bother me or Lauren anymore, Charlie was always a man to get the job done, he was my fight trainer in the old days, i was starting to miss the thrill of fighting in the ring. No Brandon. I tried to push the thoughts out of my mind, i couldn't go back there, i had Lauren now. I flashbacked.

The smell of the leather of the ring, swirled up my nostrils, my next fight, a stocky man with a beard. I was only 16 at the time, but i fought a good fight according to Charlie. The man lunged for me, i blocked him effortlessly and threw a punch, smashing his jaw. The ground began growing crazy, screaming my name. The adreneline pumping through me was amazing, it gave me the energy i needed to win. This was not ordinary fight, no ref, no gloves, just raw punching, til the death of a competitor. I punched again, harder this time, hitting the mans temple. He fell, hitting the concrete with a thud. The crowd screamed again. I rose my arms in the arm, the man was out cold, blood seeping from his nose and a cut above his eyebrow.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" I screamed into the swallowing dark.

Even thinking about my past sends adreneline rushing through my veins, i didn't want to fight, but i needed to, to remove the thoughts in my mind. NO BRANDON. My conscience pounded me as i even consindered going back to that life. I drove down the highway, back to the college. I needed to find Lauren, and create an excuse, i vowed she would not be dragged into my past. I would protect her from it at all costs. I sped down the empty road, taking my frustrations out on the pedals beneath my feet. No more fighting Brandon. I pulled up outside the college, and pulled my car into a space. I rested my head on the steering wheel, i felt dizzy. I took a sip from the bottle of water that Lauren had left in the side of the door. 


Guy's! I've decided to run a little competition for a cover for IBBB (Influenced by a bad boy) E-mail your cover entries to - MillyOnWattpad@hotmail.com

Competition closes 15th of January!

Winner will be featured in my bio, and any books they have published will be advertised in the book.

Good Luck! 

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