16 - Influenced by a bad boy

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Brandon's phone began to buzz in his pocket, it ruined the moment slightly. He retrieved his phone from his pocket and glanced at the name. Sadness washed over me, obviously another secret phone call. He looked symapthetically at me.

"Baby i need to take this."

Before i had the chance to answer, he had already rushed from the room. I sighed. My mom had appeared by my side.

"Does he do that often?" She whispered into my ear.

"Since i've known him... yes" I sighed again. She pulled me into a hug.

"Your father was just the same darling, but his calls were important, you can't be together all the time, it's not healthy, it's good you get the odd 5 minutes apart." She smiled, her comparison to my dad comforted me. My mom returned to herself to her seat at the table, and was engrossed in her novel once again. "Darling, don't be upset, it's only a phone call, and as long as you trust him, if its mean't to be, it's meant to be, okay?" She pushed her glasses along the bridge of her nose.

I could hear the muffled voice of Brandon behind the door of the living room, i decided then to check my own phone, nothing. I wandered towards the fridge, to fix myself something to eat, these couple of days off had allowed me to regain my strength, and i came to the conclusion i was ready to head back to college. I wanted to focus and get good grades to make my mom proud. Brandon's voice again grew louder, just like when i was in the hospital. This even caused my mom to stir from the capturing novel she was reading and look up, she then looked at me. I shrugged and continued to rumage through the fridge. Why, whenever i fancied somethin from the fridge, what i wanted would never be in there,.


My mom stood at out front door waving and Brandon and I began our journey back to the college, i took the oppourtunity to quiz him about the phonecall.

"Who were you talking to?"

"Just an old friend." He had his sunglasses on again. He didn't turn to look at me, he focused solely on the road.

"Who's that then?" I began to apply pressure to him. His jaw tensed.

"I'm not being rude here Lauren, but it's really none of your business." He scolded.

I'm your fucking girlfriend you asshole. I remained silent for the rest of the journey, i didn't plan on getting my head bitten off anymore. He had a sour expression on his face until we arrived at the college.

"Before you get moody with me, and storm off to tell Emily everything that happened, i need to remind you that i'm complicated. If i tell you it's none of your business, it's none of your business. There is no need to act like a complete child and throw a paddy. Grow up Lauren."

I looked at him.

"You're a complete asshole you know. All i do is try and help you, i try and figure you out, but nothing seems to work with you. You just clam up and shut everybody out. I'm tired trying with you now Brandon. Good bye." I opened the door of the car and hopped out. i headed into the direction of the dorm building and i didnt look back.

Tears pricked my eyes with every step i took, instead of going straight to the dorm to face Emily i went to hide in the coffee shop for a while. A latte was needed urgently. I found a quiet, concealed spot in the corner and settled down with my latte. I wiped my eyes with the sleeve on my hoodie and pulled my mobile out of my pocket, nothing from Brandon. I was expecting a rather long apology text. I flicked through my contacts and found the number i had saved under Charlie. I pressed call. The dial tone rang for what seemed like hours, until it finally reached an answer machine. I rang off. Why was this so hard? Every path i take to try and find out whats eating him i get blocked. I placed my phone on to the table and leant back into my chair. I was sat quietly for a while before Melanie the chief whore planted her backside in the seat opposit me.

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