20 - Who the hell eats snails?

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Brandon pulled up outside an unfamiliar restaurant and parked in a space. He withdrew the key from the ignition. It was another place i'd never seen or heard of before. I could see the people inside, i felt slightly out of 0f place here, it looked a tad expensive. He rested his hand on his thigh.

"How are you so familiar with out of town restaurants?"

"The power of planning, and this." He pulled his iphone from his pocket, and waved it at me.

"That's cheating!" I laughed. "iPhone's don't count." I pouted.s

"No, just perfection for my girl." He grabbed my hand.

We stepped out of the car in unison. Him calling me his girl made my insides melt.

"This place is beautiful."

"Just like you." Brandon beamed.

"You're unusually nice tonight." I held onto his arm, curling my fingers around his bicep.

"I can stop if you like." he smirked.

We walked towards the entrance, Brandon pushed open the door for me. Bright lights greeted me as i entered, I blinked, attempting to shield my eyes from the light.

"I'd rather you didn't"

The restaurant looked french, from what i could tell the music that was playing was a french love song. Thank god for me taking french at Silver-stone and in high school.

We were greeted by a cleanly shaven waiter, who directed us to our table, He had an accent that i couldn't place, It definitely was not french.

Brandon pulled my chair out for me, before the waiter had the chance.

"Such a gentleman Mr Clayton" I nodded in appreciation.

"Only for you Miss White." He grinned, passing me a menu. "This place is french, as you can tell...they do cook english food here too." He laughed.

I glanced through the menu.

"Who the hell eats snails!" I said, rather loudly, other customers began to glance in my direction.

Brandon began to chuckle.

"Um...Lauren, it's a delicacy is France."

"Oh right...But who would eat those things." I screwed up my face.

"How about fish and chips?" His laugh growing louder. "And a cola?"

"Sounds good to me." I nodded. "Good old english food never hurt anyone"

Brandon told the waiter our order, ordering two of each. The waiter disappeared behind a door and Brandon turned to me.

"I think we should start again" He piped up.

"Start again?" I was confused.

"I think we were introduced on the wrong foot...and we barely know each other, but i do know your beautiful mother is named Jo."

"Brandon! Don't talk about my mother in that way, she has to be at least 3 times your age!" I hissed. "That's my mom for crying out loud!"

"Woah! I'm only joking." He raised his hands defensively.

The waiter appeared at the table.

"Two cola's" He smiled, placing the glasses on the table, and retreating to the bar.

"I'm Brandon, Brandon Clayton." He extended his hand towards me.

"Im Bond, James Bond." I giggled.

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