chap 35

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Honestly, everything was a blur after gelo got the bags and placed them along with me in my brand new Lamborghini urus that he bought me.

I remember yelling at him to drive faster but he was getting scared and didn't want to speed up to avoid any accidents.

When we got to the hospital this nigga lift my ass from the vehicle and speed walked into the building.

Times at the gym paid off in full.

After that it was just a series of rushing, me being wheeled away, gelo telling me to breathe and immense pain.

I remember me telling the doctor that my back was being fucking torn off and his ass had the audacity to tell me that it was normal. The fuck?.

I wasn't dilated enough to push so they told me i'd have to wait it out. They also asked if I wanted to get the epidural but I wanted to have my baby without all that, so I declined.

Gelo was by my side wiping the tears and sweat and streamed down my face. The last thing I saw before falling asleep was him talking to my stomach which was moving a lot.

"Daddy's waiting for you princess"

A wave of pain ran through my lower half which sent me jolting awake with a groan.

"Hey babe, I was just about to wake you's time thick mama" I look up at his face and sent him a smile which I hoped washed away some of his worries.

I look down and saw the doctor which was tending to me all night, was now sitting between my elevated legs.

"I know this isn't the time but...ion like that nigga between yo shit like that" I was in pain but this forced a laugh out of me.

"Okay mrs. Ball, it's time to push" I didn't even question him calling me Mrs. Ball because I was too focused on getting my baby girl here.

Gelo came up to my side and gently held my hand in his.

I grip the side of the bed with my other hand and on the doctors go, I started to push.

I used to always think women were exaggerating when they'd describe how much it hurts to give birth.

I guess they weren't.

I've been pushing for about ten minutes now and still I've just managed to push her down enough for them to see the crown.

"C'mon baby you can do this" I felt my legs start to shake harder than they were before and the strength in my arms seem to disappear causing me to loosen my grip on gelo's hand and the bed.

"Gelo, I can't it hurt sooo much" I held my head down so I didn't see the look on his face.

"Hey, don't give me that shit. You can do this and I ain't even asking because I know you're a strong person. Now we gon' push this baby out okay? And if you do this then I'll be giving you that trip to Jamaica that you've always wanted" a smile lit up my sweaty face at his words.

I didn't reply to him but I took strength from his words and pushed like my life depended on it and a few minutes I heard my babygirl cried for the first time as she entered the world.

"It's a healthy baby boy" the smile on my face dropped but not because I wasn't happy but because it's a boy.

"Well shit, good thing we bought mainly unisex colored clothes" I chuckle at his words as the doctors cleaned him off before placing him in my arms.

Gelo who was sitting in the chair got up and peer down at our son who was sleeping peacefully.

"He's beautiful" I look up to see Gelo with tears in his eyes.

"Oh my god! If you cry then I'm gon' cry" my voice cracked as a tear escaped his eye.

"Man I loved you before but I think I love you a thousand times more now" I reach my free hand up and wiped his eyes.

"Thanks for giving me a beautiful baby boy" instead of replying with words he reached down and kissed my lips softly and just as I started kissing him back baby boy started crying.

"Aww you don't want daddy kissing your woman?" at the sound of my voice he cracked his eyes open and I fell even more in love upon seeing him with his dad's green eyes.

"What're we going to name him?" I ask gelo as I played with baby boy's fingers.

"Lucien Andre Ball"

"Hii Lucien" I watch as he smile with his eyes closed and moved his arms around.

"Everyone's waiting outside so I'm going to get them" I nod my head at him all while staring down at my little ball of light.

Shortly after gelo left everyone soon came piling into the room but I didn't mind because they all had food. They were gushing over how cute my lil bundle of joy was and how much he looked like his daddy.

That was one thing I was happy about, him looking like his dad so when the media gets hold of a picture of him they can't say no shit.

I pick of my fries and dipped in some mayonnaise before putting it in my mouth and washing it down with cranberry juice.

Man I should get pregnant more often cuz all this damn food just for lil ol' me.

I picked up a pack of m&m just a knock came from the door.

Melo being the one closest to the door opened it just and just as I swallowed an m&m the person who came through the door caused it to stop mid way down almost choking me to death.

Gelo rushed over to me and slapped my back causing the food to fly out through my mouth. He quickly held my bottle of cranberry juice up to my lip which I drank with watery eyes.


"Nice to see you too big sis"

Excuse my mistakes but...I think this is it.
The END...if I get 40 comments then I might add a few more chaps...or should I do a sequel?

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