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RAVEN GAVE UP THE WORLD OF HEROING FOR A NEW LIVING, in a dimension where teen titans were never a thing and where heroes were nothing but words in fiction. Retiring was always something she planned to face eventually and the closer she got to her mid-twenties the more that dreadful feeling overwhelmed her. 

Earth 27-2 was quiet. Between ignoring the calls of her friends back home and lazing around Raven worked in a quiet bookstore in Newton Ridge. To the people who lived in the small town, Rachel Roth was nothing but a quiet, young woman who liked to read and spend most days indoors. 

Days of quiet left a lot of time for Raven to reflect on the life she used to live and a lot of her youth that was spent not being her own. Maybe if being a hero wasn't a thing she could have went to a nice high school, graduated, and then left for a college that would guarantee her a nice, cozy living but of course, those were all maybe's. 

"Morning Mrs. O'Leary!" Raven called out towards the fifty-year-old woman with lovely deep brown eyes. "How's Mr. O'Leary?"

Mrs. O'Leary beamed Raven's way as she entered the small book shop, "He's doing much better since you recommended he read that book, can't keep it down for one second." 

Raven smiled slightly at the news, proud of herself. While Mrs. O'Leary busied herself in the non-fiction section, Raven got back to organizing the new shipment of books they'd received earlier the same morning. While her new life way extremely mundane it was not an upsetting change. 

By the time Mrs. O'Leary headed out for the afternoon, Raven had finished clearing up the last of the new shipment. With her back turned to the storefront, Raven reorganized the bookshelf at the cash, moving the arrangement to fit in the new novels. 

When the door chimed to announce a new person entering the store, instead of greeting them like usual Raven felt a soft unsettling feeling creep along her spine. Thin wisps of red crept within her almost black eyes and she had to fight the urge to let it overwhelm her. 

Orange World and Other Stories failed to make it to its place on the bookshelf, instead Raven clenched it tightly in her hands to avoid letting her instincts take over. By the time she had turned away from the bookshelf, whoever had entered no longer stood at the front, most likely in one of the many dark corners of the store's isles. To forget the feeling of death, Raven focused on confirming that all the books ordered had indeed come before old man Walter stressed out more than necessary. 

Just before she could sign off on the slip a shadow cast over her and the feeling of death fluttered in the air, more densely than it had at first. 

"Just this," A soft purr came from above and after a moment of a pause he followed with, "please."

Persuasion by Jane Austen was softly set on the countertop. A romance? Raven thought for a moment amused that such an unsettling presence wanted to buy a romance novel. She looks up to him and sees his eyes glimmer her way, huffing internally Raven conceded to this man's whims. 

"That'd be 10.60," She retorted when the item rang up after-tax, then paused and added, "please."

She notices the look of amusement on his face but says nothing. When he places the bill in her hands she attempts as little contact as possible, a small thud echoing in her head. 

With Persuasion in hand and an unnerving smile her way, the man exited as if he had never been there but it was the constant thud in her head and shiver of death that remained days later. A constant reminder of an interesting existence. 

Raven hummed to herself amused, maybe she didn't need too much normality after all. 


not edited!

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