earth 27-2: klaus

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RAVEN RARELY FELT NERVOUS, it was the product of being the daughter of an all-powerful demon with a superiority complex. So in those rare moments of nervousness, she has always been terrible at handling the swarm of unfamiliar feelings. In the week that followed the strange visit, Raven couldn't help but keep feeling those eyes on her.

Today was no different, as soon as she woke in the morning to face a dark wall and later when she picked up a cup of tea at the local cafe.

Breathing deeply, she turned to flick the lights to the bookshop open making sure to carefully alert Wilson that it was just her coming by to get the shop ready.

Earlier in her plans to move to Earth 27-2 Raven had carefully selected a location with no abnormal activity. She strayed away from Mystic Falls, the next town over, for that very reason.

"Evening Rachel," Mr. Wilson drawled out.

"Morning to you too, Wilson." Raven shook her head, amused at the man.

Raven ruffled through the catalogue and paused when she noticed a small slip of paper tucked away within the pages of War and Peace, a novel she kept aside to read in her free time.

"Wilson?" Raven called out hesitant to unfold and read the note.

Holding up the slip, Raven gave the man time to focus on what she was showing him. Suddenly, what was once a blank look, beamed into one of recollection, "Ahh!"

Wilson clattered up from his seat and fumbled with his eyeglasses, "A man came by and dropped that off after your shift ended." He paused and seemed like he was trying to remember something, "Ah, yes! said it was important that it got to you so I placed it there."

Raven pressed her lips together and faked a smile his way, "I see.."

Spinning on her heel, Raven crumbled the paper and tossed it into the trash.

The day goes slow, not many people entering the store but those who did took their time. Wilson takes off, most likely to meet his wife in the local cafe she frequented when bored and Raven does nothing but flips through a book much too old for the current century.

8:30 pm, exactly thirty minutes before Raven would close up for the night a man enters.

"Did you catch my message?" Raven crumbled the pages of her novel together, almost ripping it.

He looks to her and doesn't seem bothered by the extended silence she offers. It's like he doesn't mind just getting the chance to watch her although she didn't offer much in reciprocation.

He, who Raven would know the name of had she opened that message, simply took an interest in the book she held.

"I misplaced it," Raven replied through clenched teeth, and he seemed humoured by her diversion.

"I'm Klaus," he answered what the note would have let her know.

Klaus of earth 27-2 was not someone Raven particularly hated at first glance, it was just the feeling he gave her that made her restless. With him, she struggled to retain the red in her eyes.

"I want to discuss something with you," he grinned with a look to his eyes, "If you'll allow me."


not edited!

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