Ch 5: Say Something

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Lizzie's face as she looked down and saw the blood soaking her shirt was something that Booth would never forget. "Booth..." she said with a whisper as she felt her knees give out. Booth rushed over and caught her before she hit the ground. "Liz? Liz! Stay with me Lizzie! Somebody call an ambulance!!!" He shouted as he cradled her to him. 

When the got to the hospital Booth followed the doctors as the wheeled Lizzie down hallways and through doors until they wouldn't let him follow her any longer. He was directed to the operation waiting area and asked to wait. 

Booth couldn't stop himself from pacing the floors of the hospital waiting room. Visions of the events of the last few hours replaying in his mind over and over again. 

The struggle for the gun with Jacob, the gunshot ringing out, the look on Lizzie's face as the blood doused the front of her shirt. 

Lizzie's parents lived in another state so they had agreed, two years after becoming partners, to list each other as their emergency contact. Booth hoped he would never get this type of call, let alone experience this first hand. 

It had been three hours since Lizzie went into surgery and the doctors said that they would come out with news as soon as she was in a stable condition. 

They hadn't been out to speak to him yet.

Booth waited for another hour before the doctors came out and told him that Lizzie was out of surgery. 

"That's a good thing right?" Booth asked the doctors trying not to let himself hope for the best before receiving confirmation from the doctors. "Yes. The fact that she is stable right now is a good thing, however, she is in a comatose state. Her body underwent a lot of trauma today and she is recovering." 

The doctor led Booth into the room that Lizzie had been placed in and left him to sit with her. Looking at her, lying unresponsive in the hospital bed, Booth felt a stab of pain and his eyes began to water. He pulled up the chair so that he was seated right next to Lizzie's bedside. 

"Look Liz," he said, clearing his throat. "I know I can act like a goof sometimes. Well, most of the time. But you have no idea how much I need you to stick around." The words formed a lump in Booth's throat as he held in his tears. "You have made my life so much better. After the army, I was this damaged guy who didn't let anyone in. Then I met you and you hit me with that psychologist stuff that you say, and I felt myself start to open up in a way that I hadn't in a long time. You make me want to be the person that you think I am. I need you." Booth had to pause a moment to wipe the tears that had begun to fall freely. "Please don't leave me Liz." 

It was three more hours before Lizzie started to show improvement. 

The doctors kept monitoring her and Booth never left her side. He was leaned over with his head laying on the mattress, his hand in hers and half asleep,  when he felt her squeeze his hand ever so slightly. Booth's eyes flew open, and petrified that it was simply a figment of his imagination, he stared at their intertwined hands willing her to do it again. After almost thirty seconds of watching and waiting, he felt the slightest amount of pressure as she squeezed his hand again. 

"Hey! Someone?! She's waking up! I need a doctor in here!!" Booth called out, never taking his eyes off of Lizzie's face as her eyelids slowly fluttered open and held his gaze. Booth felt the tears falling from his eyes but he was too happy to stop them. He sank back down into his chair and ran a hand down the back of her head as he held their foreheads together. 

Booth only moved from Lizzie's side when the doctor pulled her to go run more tests to make sure that everything was okay. As soon as she was back in her room, Booth never left her side. She looked up at him with her big brown eyes and words weren't needed. The communicated with each other on another level. 

Her eyes conveyed all the feelings that she was too scared to say out loud and he soaked them in. She smiled at him and he grinned back at her, each memorizing the other's face as if they would never meet again. 

Tired though she was Lizzie reached out for Booth, and he was ready to meet her hand with his. "What is it Liz?" Booth asked her softly,  leaning over her bed. Rather than reply, she simply pulled him down to meet her lips with his. 

The movement shocked Booth so much that he froze for a moment, but as soon as he realized what was happening he allowed every ounce of emotion and every feeling he had for her flow through that kiss. Lizzie felt her heart race as she kissed him, she even heard the monitor register it, but she was too blissfully happy to care. She had waited so long for this moment that she let everything she felt burst out of her and into that kiss. 

Granted she had just undergone major surgery, and therefore the kiss, though long awaited, was very short lived. Lizzie broke away for air and sagged back into her pillows. "Well then..." Booth said as a slight blush spread across each of their faces. "It's about damn time." Lizzie croaked out and they both burst into laughter. 

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