Parte 2 Capítulo Cuatro

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"Yo what the hell?" Out of nowhere, Cesar pulled me aside after I parted with Sofia. "What are you doing hanging out with Oscar's girl?"

My heart sank.

No. Fucking. Way.

The universe really hates me, doesn't it?

"I...I didn't know...." I tried to speak but I had no words.

"You better not be trying anything, Lena. She's not like Veronica. She's good. I've never seen Oscar this happy in a while. No offense Lena, I love you and all, but you left... he's moved on." Cesar explained.

"I...I never said I was going to try anything," I choked out. "I didn't even know they were together.... Dwayne just introduced us..." this was all happening too fast.

Sofia, my first friend in a while, was getting married to the guy I was definitely not over.

"Do me a favor Lena, don't tell Oscar you know about Sofia." And with that, Cesar left without another word.

A lot really has changed. One year he was like a brother to me, the next, I'm nothing but a false memory. Cesar didn't even want me back... he wished it was Monse who came back, and not me. I don't blame him.

Sofia really did mean a lot to Oscar, and I can tell Oscar means a lot to her. I would've never guessed Sofia would get with someone like Oscar...

Who am I to judge?

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

I repeated that phrase over and over in my head until I returned home.

"B! Welcome back!" Jasmine met me at the door. As usual, I greeted her with a fake smile.

"Hi Jazz," I said softly. "I'm going to take a nap... still not used to the time zone difference!" I chuckled.

"No probs," She replied.

"You're the best," I half-smiled. Even though I'm having difficulties expressing my love at the moment, one thing I knew for certain was how much I loved my cousin. I'm so lucky to have an understanding cousin. Sometimes I feel like she understands me better than I understand me. She's the only person who's making me feel as though I'm not just existing here. She makes me feel wanted. If all else fails, at least Ill always have Jasmine, and she'll have me.

"I was planning on hanging out with ruby today anyway. You cool with bunking without me tonight? I was planning on staying over," she winked.


"Yeah of course, Jazz. Use protection!" I called out as she excitedly exited.

The lonely silence filled the room once more. The only sound that was penetrating me was my pounding thoughts. I wish they'd just go away...


Long sleeves again. Despite the raging California summertime heat, I couldn't bear to wear anything other than long sleeves. My arms were hideous... If anyone asks, I'll just say New York fashion is rubbing off on me.

It didn't matter though, I didn't feel like going outside at all today. I didn't feel like doing anything. What would I even do?

I sighed heavily and rolled over. No notifications. No surprise there.

I sighed again, and immediately after, my phone vibrated. Huh what a coincidence.

Unknown: Hey Lena! It's Sofia! Want to hang out today? I was thinking a spa day ;)
Me: I'd love to, but I'm pretty busy today. Sorry.
Sofia: It's okay! Maybe another time :))

I sighed again. I can't face Sofia again. Even though Sofia and I just met, the last thing I'd want to do is break her heart. The closer we become, the more it'll hurt her when she finds out about my past with Oscar....

Guess I'll just go back to sleep.


"Lena! Get your ass up!" A voice screamed. It kind of sounded like what I remembered my uncle sounding like when I was younger. He then entered my view.

"Tio? What's going on?" I questioned.

After years of being paralyzed and mute, he stood up, just to creepily run over to me and choke me. "I said get up Lena! Get out of the house!"


I shot awake. Damn these dreams are going to be the death of me. I couldn't help but check up on my uncle.

I slowly tiptoed across the house and cautiously crept around the corner to look into his room. "Tio....?" I whispered.

As usual, he was his normal unanimated self. I sighed in relief, and then remembered that it wasn't a good thing.

Welp... the almighty uncle has spoken. It's time for me to go outside. Even if it was just a dream, I didn't feel comfortable disobeying my uncle and saying all alone with him in the house.

I took a quick look in the mirror before heading out. My eyes were swollen and had major dark circles around them. This calls for sunglasses.

Need I remind you, the universe hates me. Of course, my sunglasses are nowhere to be found. I couldn't even find Jasmine's sunglasses.

Fuck it.

As long as I don't walk past the Diaz's house, I should be fine...


Oscar's POV

"Honey, I'm planning on going to the spa with my new friend today, okay?" Sofia rubbed my arm and smiled her usual charming smile.

"And just who is this new friend?" I questioned.

"Oh come on, you'll meet her soon, I'm sure," she replied.

"Her? Good." I joked.

"Well duhhh! Why would I go to the spa with some guy?" Sofia giggled. "You're so dumb sometimes, but it's cute."

I smiled. "I know you love my jealous side."

Just then, her phone vibrated. She frowned. "Oh bummer... she said she can't make it. Guess I'll just have to hang out with you today," she groaned sarcastically.


"It's a beautiful day for a walk, isn't it?" Sofia smiled, slipping her hand into mine as we strolled down the crappy neighborhood. Sofia tended to see the beauty in everything.

I shrugged. "I suppose... but any day is beautiful while you're in my life."

"Oh shut upppp!" She giggled and blushed. "Oh hey..." she said looking up in front of us. "I know her!"

I looked up and saw a frail, skinny, pale girl walking on the same sidewalk that we were on, going in the opposite direction we were. Her head was down, so I didn't get a good look at her face. She didn't seem to notice us either.

"Baby, this is my new friend I was talking about!" Sofia told me excitedly, letting go of my hand and approaching the strange girl at a quicker pace. "Hey Lena!" She called out.

Did she just say....?

The girl looked up, and my face fell when I saw hers.

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