Chapter 3- The Doctor

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It was dusk when they decided to leave. The crime scene was close to the hotel they were staying so it didn’t take long to get there. It must’ve been that fact that caused them to wait longer then they thought they would need to. “Are you sure he’s going to be here?” it was Sam. He wasn’t sure about trusting a stranger with a case; even if he knew more about this enemy then they did.

“Well, he sounded genuine on the phone.” There was a tone of disappointment in his voice. It had been at least fifteen minutes since they arrived. It was taking too long; they were wasting valuable research time. “Let’s get going.”

As they turned to leave, a sudden gust of wind hit them and pushed them over. Getting to their feet they saw the blue box. With a creek, the door opened to reveal a youngish man, probably around the age of 25. “Hello,” The man sounded cheerful and very energetic. “You must be Dean.” He looked at dean and held out his hand as if to shake hands with; Dean took it and shook. “Who are you then?” He turned to Sam, who was looking him up and down with curiosity.

“I’m Sam, Dean’s brother.” He said to the man.

“Great, nice to meet you.” The man held out his hand again and Sam shook it.

This man was odd to say the least. He was an adult by his appearance, but somehow it let him down in describing his true nature. He was a child. Most 25 year olds did not give off the energy of a five year old. The brothers looked at each other, the look of worry they often shared, what had they gotten themselves into.

“Well, why don’t we just discuss this in my TARDIS?” The man pointed to the blue box and smiled.

The boys were really just going to give up. This was hopeless; they couldn’t all fit in there. What, maybe two of them, but not all three. “We are not going to fit in there.” It was Dean, leaving the company of his brother and walking toward the blue box.

The man sighed. He approached Dean, who was standing by the box and pushed the door open. “If you don’t believe that we can’t fit in here, then look.”

Dean glanced inside the door and was immediately surprised. It was bigger on the inside. It certainly surpassed what he expected. It wasn’t wooden, it wasn’t dark; it was bright and made of medal. Staircases spiralled down onto what looked like a control panel.

He slowly backed out, with his mouth wide open. With wide green eyes, he turned his stare towards Sam.

The man -standing beside Dean- looked quite pleased with himself. What is this person playing at? He was a madman. Sam started to panic at what was inside. What could be in there? Sam slowly walked towards the box; eventually he reached the open doors and gasped.


“Bigger on the inside? Yeah, I get that a lot.” The man finished Sam’s sentence. “I’m the doctor, by the way.”

The three, stood outside the box standing in a small circle. It was dark now, without the street lamps on, it would be pitch black. Dean opened his mouth but before a single word came out, he was interrupted by the doctor.

“Let’s step inside and discuss these angels then.” He led the way into the box, gesturing his hand towards the boys to follow.

Once inside the box, the boys gaped at their surroundings. It was still shocking for Dean who had already stepped inside. Sam didn’t actually enter, so it was quite a long time before he got used to it. It was a minute or so before the Doctor bought their attention back to himself. “So,” He said. “Weeping Angels.” He clapped his hands together in excitement and continued on with his explanation. “They appear stone-like but they’re not. They are aliens. Quantum locked when sighted.” He continued in short sentences. When he had stopped he looked at the Winchesters. They were terrified. 

“So how do we, kill them?” Dean asked wearily, stepping carefully around the words in case the man yelled at him. He wasn’t afraid because he was scary, because he wasn’t scary; it was because he could act out in any way at all. Dean wasn’t ready for whatever would happen.

“They are difficult to destroy. But if we somehow managed to get them to look at each other, we might be able to destroy them.”

Dean looked to Sam. They said no words, but they knew what they were saying to each other.

“We will try to take this thing down, together.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2014 ⏰

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