Bound In Ruins- Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

6 years ago- College

"You're joking! Man, I wish Reese would take notes from Alexander," Lennox stated as we were plopped outside on a blanket.

"What do you wish?" Reese asked lying beside Lennox.

We were sitting outside in his backyard finishing up some homework.

Rolling her eyes, Lennox ignored him.

"Well, whatever it is you're doing, have a great time. A girl only turns 19 once right." She stated winking at me.

Laughing, I threw a pencil at her causing her to laugh.

I felt a hand go around my eyes, preventing me from seeing anything.

Grabbing onto the hand I spoke, "If the night is going to begin with you kidnapping me, I think I'll pass thank you."

Hearing Xander laugh, he dropped his hand and pulled me to my feet.

I turned around and faced him, noticing a huge smile plastered across his face.

He always was smiling.

It was infectious.

Immediately, he pulled me in and grazed my lips softly.

"Happy birthday, love." He whispered placing a small box in my hands.

Looking down, I tried mustering my excitement.

"What's this?" I asked shocked.

He winked, "I don't want you to open it yet. But I want to have it."

I shot him a look, "When can I open it?"

I wanted nothing more than to see what he had gotten me.

"Tonight, when we come back. I just didn't want you to think I didn't get you anything tonight before we headed off." He stated, stroking my cheek.

I shook my head, "You didn't have to give me anything. Being with you is more than enough."

It was the truth.

He kissed my lips softly before pulling back.

"Don't wait up for her tonight Len," He shouted as he walked us out the house.

"Have fun you two!" She responded excitedly.

I couldn't help but laugh.

My friend has a wild imagination.

Walking to the front, he grabbed my helmet and handed it to me.

"You don't want to grab a heavier coat? The weather is supposed to be fine tonight but in case." He suggested.

"No I'm fine." I stated.

It was mid-October and had been surprisingly warm. I knew that my leather jacket and jeans would suffice.

Kissing my forehead, he then placed the helmet over my head and sat on the bike, waiting for me to hop on.

We rode for about twenty minutes until we were in the middle of Times Square. Riding into a garage, he parked and immediately urged for us to walk.

"We have about 10 minutes until it starts," He stated grabbing my hand as he walked us over to our destination.

I felt my insides warm as I realized where he'd taken me.

"Broadway. You want to watch a play?" I asked amused.

He shot me a nervous smile, "Not a play, the play." He winked.

I looked at the headlines above us, "King Lear."

"I thought it was appropriate."

I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him softly.

I truly couldn't have cared where we were tonight but in all honesty, I was moved by this gesture.

Over the last two months, Xander had made me more and more interested in Shakespeare so that now, I was enjoying my English Lit class rather than dreading it.

"This is perfect," I whispered against his lips as I pulled back.

"Let's get inside then," He stated.

The play had lasted a good two and a half hours, and I had enjoyed every second of it.

"Did you like it?" he asked as we walked outside.

"Like it? I loved it. Something about seeing it come to life, it makes you appreciate it all over again." I told him truthfully.

He laughed as he twirled me around as we laughed in unison.

"Eleanor?" I heard someone behind me ask.

Immediately glaring over, I saw a woman who was dressed in a suit staring at me.

Eleanor was my mother's name.

Xander had stopped twirling me and I could feel him staring at me as I looked at the woman.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked.

She walked closer to me and blinked a couple of times before replying, "Oh my. I'm so sorry. You just reminded me of someone I knew."

I nodded slowly, "Eleanor."

"Yes, I'm so sorry." She smiled apologetically as she quickly walked away.

I felt my heart sink.

She knew my mother.

Why hadn't I continued to speak? Why did I just freeze up the way I did?

"Hey, you alright?" I heard Xander say, breaking me out of thoughts.

I stared at the ground, avoiding looking at him.

I felt my emotions growing stronger, allowing the sadness to creep in.

"Soph," He stated, lifting my chin up.

I felt my eyes gloss over with unshed tears. I took one look at him and saw that a concerned expression over his face.

Without saying anything, he pulled me against him as I rested my head on his shoulder.

He hugged me tight, brushing his fingers through my hair in the process.

I wasn't sure how long we were standing there, but he hadn't uttered a word.

Just held me.

I breathed in and out, wanting to relax my rapid heartbeat.

"She knew my mother," I stated breaking the silence.

He let out a breath as I continued talking, "Eleanor."

I looked at him continuing, "She's my mom."

He nodded, frowning as his fingers caressed my face.

"I'm sorry," I added embarrassed at the event that had just unfolded.

"Shh," He quickly replied.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," He added.

He lifted my chin upward so that he could talk as he stared into my eyes.

"I had something else in mind tonight, but I think that we should head back to the house. There's something I want to show you." He stated before kissing the tip of my nose.

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