Bound In Ruins- Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

6 years ago- College

It seemed as if these last four weeks lasted four years. I couldn't even imagine spending another day without him, let alone when the time came, how I would cope with a long distanced relationship.

It seemed as if the airport was filled with people returning or leaving from the holiday break. I had literally been on my toes trying to peep for Xander.

About fifteen minutes after, I saw him walk out of arrivals and I immediately ran up to him.

He immediately broke out into a huge smile and laughed as I tackled him.

"Miss me?" He asked laughing as I hugged the life out of him.

I felt his lips on my shoulder, kissing it quick before pulling me in for a long kiss on my lips.

Not wanting to get carried away, I pulled away, "More than you know."

His smile was so bright, it sent my stomach soaring. "Good because, me too." He responded kissing my temple.

He threw his arm around my shoulder and grabbed his bag as we made our way out of the airport.

"Longest month of my life," He stated as my driver pulled up.

"Tell me about it. My uncle had driven me insane with appearances I am good enough to last a lifetime." I stated as the driver took Xander's belongings.

"I got it mate, thank you though." Xander told him, opening the trunk himself and throwing his case in.

I hopped in the back and he quickly followed.

"I forgot how freezing the city is during this time of year," He stated rubbing my legs with his hands.

I shot him a smile and took in the moment.

His hair was just the same with his signature man bun, only this time, his facial hair had grown out a little more.

"I'm liking the whole caveman look you've got going on," I stated winking at him.

He smiled at me before I spoke again, "How's your family?"

Xander hardly spoke about his life back home, so I took in all the information I could.

He nodded, "They're good. Mum is driving me crazy of course and Dad is well, Dad." He stated shaking his head. Something had been different about him this time, as if he were hiding a bit.

I knew that he was the only child, but Xander always lit up whenever he did speak about his parents. He was more private about them than I'd ever been about my life. But now, he seemed as if mentioning the thought of them triggered some sort of emotion I'd never seen Xander really express

"Are you okay?" I asked truthfully.

From the little that he has mentioned about his family, they seemed like lovely people.

He nodded his head and sighed a breath of relief, "I am now." He stated pulling me to him, kissing my head.

I let him engulf me in his arms and decided to drop it. He would talk when he wanted me to know.

The drive from the airport to Xander's house was about 40 minutes. Pulling up to his house, we quickly went inside and turned on the heat.

"The boys won't be back home until the end of the week before classes start. We have the house to ourselves," He stated winking at me as we walked to the living room.

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