Bound In Ruins- Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The week had flown by faster than I thought, and I noticed Kai and I were beginning to make headlines.

People were figuring out of our so called relationship, and I couldn't wait for the blow to be over so that less eyes were on me in the office.

Being the CEO hadn't piqued their interested as much as dating the future CEO of Devereux Corp.

I shook my head at my employees stupidity.

I decided to make my way over to Devereux Corp to attend Kai's meeting with his Board. Walking inside, I was immediately greeted by the receptionist. She had led me to an auditorium like room that wasn't necessarily as large, but much larger than my meeting rooms.

I looked around the filled room and saw about one hundred plus members mingling. I looked at my watch and made sure it was four o'clock.

I went to take a seat in the front, to a secluded chair that was beside a large glass table in the middle.

"For you, ma'am." She stated.

"Are you sure I'm to be sat here?" I asked confused. It was the only chair up here facing the members. How centered.

"Mr. Devereux had clear instructions." She answered.

"Mr. Devereux as in Edward?" I asked.

She shook her head, "Mr. Kaius, ma'am." She replied before scurrying off and walked outside the room.

I took my coat off and managed to sneak a few glances at the members. The majority of them were too busy enwrapped in their own conversation to notice me in the front, yet some individuals took notice and began to stare.

I wondered how today would unfold.

Sitting down, I opened my phone to kill some time.

It wasn't for another two minutes until the glass doors opened and almost the entire crowd sat immediately.

Kai entered, and the entire mood had shifted, even I could feel it.

He walked over to the front, and nodded at me.

Whatever that meant.

Taking a seat on the glass table, he began speaking.

"Nice to see everyone here. I'm sure Clarissa sent the projections and proposals for the next quarter and I'm assuming everyone had a chance to look it over." He stated.

"The plan goes into effect next Monday morning. Investors notified, construction contracts approved, and permits given. I'll have Clarissa send a follow up of all updates. Any questions?" he asked firmly.

I looked at the crowd, and noticed each of them staring right at him.

I saw a lady speak up, "Mr. Devereux, who'd you decide to bring with you to the meeting?" She asked.

I smiled, my presence hadn't gone unnoticed after all.

I looked at Kai who shot the lady a sly smirk.

"That's nothing of interest at the moment Claire. Do you have a question actually relevant to the material or are you more interested in my personal life?" He replied matter of fact.

I shot Kai a look. He did not need to come after her like that.

With her not replying, Kai spoke, "Alright everyone. If you have any questions go ahead and shoot Clarissa an email. That's it for today." He stated before walking outside, not once paying attention to me.

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