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A month had passed And Ian was already ending his last week of high school. It was raining so Laurel drove Ian to school and Barley was at work. It was Friday and his senior year would end on a Tuesday.

Laurel and Ian got to the school. Laurel help Ian out ."Okay, honey bye I don't want to embarrass you but have a good day" Laurel said. Ian Wheeled himself and went into the cafeteria to sit with his friends.

Hi guys how are you today Ian is doing well thanks for asking Ian a satyr named Blake replied. Glad To hear that Ian

When the school bell rang for the end of the day for Ian. He didn't have the last class so he went home early. It was not raining anymore so he would just wheel himself back home. He was leaving his astronomy class 5 kids showed up "Well Well Well, look who we have here" the five kids said. Go away you guys Ian said you guys hurt my feelings and I'm sick of it so go away, please. Oh now the paraplegic is going to stand up for himself or maybe he can't say a kid. I don't find this funny guys Ian replied. Oh, you Don't find this funny the oldest one which was a cyclops named Daniel punched Ian in the arm hard. Oww, That hurt please don't do that again Ian whined. Daniel replied, He doesn't like it but you keep doing it Jeridan, your turn. Jeridan was you baby let me punch you in the lip. he hit Ian hard in the lip. Ian could tell his lip was starting to swell. His eyes welled up with tears. Oh, he hates it now, he's going to cry I knew you were weaker than us Daniel '.re the weakest kid in the school. You want to know why because you're a paraplegic you can't walk. Ian stormed off angry he wasn't willing to deal with them anymore and he knew I was going to do right

; "When Ian got home. He opened the door and tears started to well up in his eyes again. He wheeled himself over to his big brother so he could talk to him about what happened. Hey Barley, he said softly. Barley got concerned that was the tone of the old old Ian the shy 15-year-old Ian he knew something was going on. Ian... what's wrong, everything goes okay at school today? Barley asked. Ian shook his head. But then Barley finally noticed Ian's lip was very swollen and a little bruised. Barley gasped Ian... what's this. Can we please talk about this in the kitchen Ian said as a tear slid down his cheek

I'm assuming someone did this to you right Ian Barley asked. Yes someone did this to me and they did this. Ian rolled up his sleeve. Who did this to you Ian barley asked with anger in his tone? That was Ian's Breaking Point, he lost it then. It's okay Ian let it all out I'm right here for you Barley said. I'll stay silent until you're ready to tell me who did it. Ian took a deep breath and started to talk; It was, all of a sudden, Laurel came in. She noticed Ian crying right away honey what's wrong. And she noticed Ian's lip right away. Honey what's this she said. Somebody did this to Ian Barley said angrily. Who did this to you Ian tell me Laurel said in an angry tone. It's okay Ian we're right here take your time let it all out Barley said. Ian took a deep breath and answered it was this guy named Daniel, Harden, Jeridan, Tyler, and Bradley. It was Daniel Who punched me in the arm and Jeridan who punched me in the lip. Did this just happened today or has this been going on? The physical bullying just started today they've been Verbal bullies too Ian said sadly. What have they said to you Ian Barley asked? They always tell me that I am the weakest kid in the school because I'm in a wheelchair. They always tell me I can't do anything because of my wheelchair. They call me idiot, jerk, Ugly, skinny. And today they also said that the paraplegic is standing up for himself but he can't because he can't walk and laughed and it hurt my feelings Ian also said. Barley was heartbroken for Ian. Ian, Barley said I thought I told you to tell me right away when someone disagreed with me about your wheelchair you know that your chair doesn't define you right barley said. Yeah, I do know that doesn't define me but it still hurts my feelings that they do this to me Ian replied. I know I feel it hurts my feelings that they're doing this to you Barley said. Laurel told the boys to go back upstairs so then she can cook dinner.

Laurel cooked dinner. Barley and Ian were in Ian's room listen, Ian, I'm serious if someone says something mean to you hi   B  because you can't walk or mock you because of that you need to tell me right away. I'm your big brother and you can't consider me your father figure if you don't let me protect you from other creatures like that. OK. Some creatures just so toxic nowadays and they're especially toxic if they want to bring some elf down like you. And I know you didn't do anything I know you didn't do anything. It's just my chair and makes me a target. Barely knew Ian was right. Yes, he wanted to protect him from the world of bullies but he did be honest with him too. It hurts me to see your right Ian Barley said. People are just so mean The people in wheelchairs because they think they're weak but you're are not. I don't ever ever want to feel your weak. Ian looked up at Barley and smiled. Thanks, Barley it makes me feel better. You're welcome, I'm always here for you, and get your chin up little warrior doesn't want your last weekend as a high schooler and being ruined. Ian chuckled yes I will thank you barley. Oh, and E and I'll call the school about this OK because this is unacceptable behavior. Ian nodded back.OK, Ian, do you want me to leave you alone now you can do your own thing. He nodded yes please OK. Barely left Ian's room and close the door. Ian sighed a few more tears came down his cheek. He decided to watch some Jackson briggwater videos to make him feel better. Ian wiped his tears transferred himself and Got on his phone

On Monday Ian came back. Expecting a consolers office visit he just expected the pass to the counselors. Time had passed and he hadn't talked to the counselor and it was his last class of the day. But he thought sometime during the period He would receive the pass. The bell rang and then went outside only for. The five boys to follow him out. Ian noticed that barely came to pick him up. Barley parked Guinevere the second. Only to see the site of his little brother being picked on. Leave me alone Ian snapped I don't like this. Oh of course we're not gonna leave you alone little baby you can't do anything because he's a paraplegic. Take this Jeridan punched him on the side of the face. Barley got really angry he ran over there as fast as he could. come with me now we're going to the Office and I'm reporting this Barley yelled. The boys were also seniors. Barley wanted to beat up the boys so badly but that would be risking Ian's diploma and that wouldn't be fair to Ian.

Barley stopped in the office Ian was right by his side. About ready to cry again when will this be over barley. Barley felt horrible after that comment awww Ian these guys are gonna get in trouble. Barley angrily told him what happened. But the boys kept lying which made barleys get madder and madder and madder. To the point, that livid would be an understatement. Then the boys finally admitted. They couldn't get their diplomas at all for lying and hurting Ian both physically and emotionally.

Barley wheeled Ian out. Can I take it from here please Barley? Ian course Ian, Barley replied. But then the boys came back. How dare you get us suspended you baby idiot paraplegic who can't do anything for the littlest baby. If you call him the weakest kid ever again. You're going to get it because He's stronger than you I know that. The boys pushed Ian out of this wheelchair and he fell down the steps and slammed his wrist into a railing. Barley got extremely livid so livid that how livid he was earlier would be a way more than an understatement. But some teachers saw it. Go to the office right now the teacher demanded the teacher was Ian's tenth grade English teacher, told the principal heard that what happened. They contacted the police since the boys did not comply with the rules.

Ian and Barley were still outside the school. Barley helped Ian back in his chair. But Ian lost it again it's OK E I promise. Ian was still crying after five minutes really hard. What hurts Ian? Barley asked My wrist Ian responded. your wrist Barley said may I please see it? Sure Ian replied. I won't hurt you more I promise Ian. OK Barley I trust you Ian responded. Barley felt around Ian's wrist. Does this hurt when I touch right here just a little bit Ian sad? What about when I touch in the middle that hurts a little more. And then right here that hurts the most Ian winced. OK, I'm gonna have have you try to bend it. Ian tried but it hurt. Ian started to cry again. Ok Ok ok, Barley said trying to get Ian's attention. We will get you down to the hospital OK. Fine, I wish this wouldn't have happened Ian said. I know It's not fair I'm really mad at them for doing this to you. I Kind of my fault too Ian Barley said. How so Ian asked. I didn't call the counselor. That's not your fault barley everyone does it it's OK Ian said. But now you're hurt now Ian barely replied.

Ian got his wrist x-rayed and it was just a bad sprain.

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