Chapter 8: Day 8: Convoluted

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The way the light came inside her room brought a beam of light to glow in Ga Eul's face. The silk soft sheets only caused her to want to sink into a river of comfort and tuck herself back into bed. With a frown of discomfort from the light Ga Eul slowly rose from bed. Sighing she tried to remember where she was and found herself feeling that patter in her chest at the beautiful view of water that surrounded her. Flashes of the previous night only made her want to bury herself inside her covers and never come out.

There were still tingles that remained on her lips from the kiss she had shared with Yi Jeong the previous night. Magical was not enough of a word to describe how wonderful that kiss had been. There was a glow that she felt come with the morning. Inside however, it was like the minute she thought there was peace a storm would brew inside and So Yi Jeong had become that storm. There were so many questions and doubts that came with this. There was no doubt after the previous night that Ga Eul was in deed falling for So Yi Jeong and that scared her.

There was so much going on with Yi Jeong and so little that he shared with anyone. There was also the fact that their "Relationship" would be over by the end of this week. It was the eight day of their fourteen-day deal. That scared Ga Eul. She couldn't picture herself not talking to Yi Jeong next week. There was a pain that began to creep its way inside her chest to remind her that she would be compromising herself. After that kiss last night Yi Jeong had smiled at her and walked her to her room without a word.

Closing her eyes and wishing it only to be a dream Ga Eul only heard Yi Jeong's voice.

"Ga Eul-yang. Do you want to see magic again?"




Groaning softly Ga Eul covered her eyes with the back of her arm as she lay on her bed.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Ga Eul questioned softly to herself.

So Yi Jeong was a player. The most notorious Casanova in all of Korea. But he was also sweet, kind, handsome, his smile was. Shaking her head Ga Eul thought of her future. Would there be anything with Yi Jeong? Could he actually commit? That thought in itself caused Ga Eul to drily laugh at herself; mostly to avoid tears. So Yi Jeong was a player. He was always going to be a player. And there was no way that he would change for her. With a shake of her head, Ga Eul got up from her bed and got ready for her day. Before heading out the door she reminded herself that Yi Jeong would probably act nonchalantly about the kiss and she should too. With a deep breath, she opened her door only to grow startled by Yi Jeong who was about to knock on the door.


"Morning Ga Eul-yang." Yi Jeong answered with a charming smile. The worse part for Ga Eul was, it was a real smile.


"Don't overthink it."

"Don't overthink." Those were the words that Yi Jeong had said to himself the previous night as he kissed Ga Eul again. While there had been kisses on the cheek and even a real kiss stolen, this kiss was different. There was something different in that kiss.

Yi Jeong would like to think of himself as an expert in matters such as women and things of that sort. But Ga Eul was different. It was hard to admit to himself but when he kissed her the previous night it had further sparked something inside him that he had not wished to acknowledge. There were feelings that he had known he had inside himself. The kiss had not been passionate, sensual, or pushed to wanting more like his previous experiences. It had been gentle, sweet, soft, and innocent. Yi Jeong felt silly just thinking of that last word. Something had sparked in him. Yi Jeong could recognize that he cared for Ga Eul. He cared for his friends after all, but this was different. Ga Eul made him feel different, and Yi Jeong liked that feeling; he liked Ga Eul.

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