Chapter 21: Flutter

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The air was cold, the wind gently whispering to the air. Silently Ga Eul watched the fire that was lit inside the kiln, inside there were a few small teacups that were being made. Ga Eul could tell there was something on Yi Jeong's mind simply based on the fact that he'd been quite distant and pensive since morning. Ga Eul wondered whether his parents were okay. While she understood why Yi Jeong was staying at a distance with them for the time being, she hoped he would be able to mend his relationship with them in the future.

There was a lot of pain and resentment in Yi Jeong's heart and Ga Eul knew that only time would chip away the hurt that Yi Jeong had felt. Yi Jeong was better now and she was glad. What she didn't want was for him to revert back, though that was unlikely now simply because they were at this point, she hoped that they could face it together. Based on his actions and his behavior around her Ga Eul was sure this had something to do with them. Feeling the wind pick up Ga Eul shivered letting out a shaky breath of air.

Without a word, Yi Jeong simply placed a blanket around her offering her a smile that instantly warmed Ga Eul's heart and caused her cheeks to turn pink. Offering Yi Jeong a smile Ga Eul hugged the blanket closer to her, while she watched the teacups continue to be hugged by the bright red flame.

"They look happy,"

"The dishes in there I mean...Instead of being wary from the heat, I have a feeling that they're happy."

"Why?" Yi Jeong questioned.

"Because they're hoping that if they endure and it turns out well, they'll be loved." Ga Eul watched as a smile was brought to Yi Jeong's lips due to her words, it was a silent I love you which Ga Eul knew he'd understood.

"Just like Ga Eul-yang" Yi Jeong spoke more to himself than to her.

"Now tell me... I'm ready. You have something to tell me don't you?"

Ga Eul watched Yi Jeong hesitate for a few seconds, his posture rigid as if waiting for something bad to happen but he spoke anyway,

"I'm... leaving."

His words shocked Ga Eul, her heart stopped and at the same time her mind was trying hard to keep focused on his words, not on her pain, something she tried to mask. She needed to listen, good or bad, no matter what she would support him. Even if that meant saying goodbye.

"I didn't know how to tell you. I.."

"To where are you going?" Ga Eul managed to ask her voice steady while she tried to keep calm.


"When? No... For how long?"

"Soon... Maybe four or five years." Yi Jeong spoke his voice calm yet he wouldn't look at Ga Eul. A sign to her that this was just as hard for him as it was for her.

There was so much that was going on in her mind. Where would that leave them? What about her? Was he telling her to forget about them? They'd never even had a chance to truly start. Things were going so well and now... No... she couldn't allow herself to be selfish.

"That's good. You'll become an even better potter" Ga Eul found herself saying. Truly, it was something she felt from the bottom of her heart. Even if that meant she would lose him. All she ever wanted was for Yi Jeong to be happy. It was a promise she had made to herself from the beginning and she would not forget it now. Still, she needed to know, where they stood now, even if it would be painful to let go.

"So what happens next?"

"What about us?" She wanted to ask.

Once again, Yi Jeong was quiet, his eyes continued to look ahead at the burning fire.

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