Chapter 31

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I heard Ronan walk outside dressed for battle. He is battling his own flesh and blood all because of me. I cannot help but feel like this shouldn't be happening. This is not how I imagined our family reunion. I know Victor is right now mad in blood lust. But what he will feel afterwards is guilt he cannot outlive.

"Stay inside, stay hidden" King Xander said to me and give me Dante. I was terrified to say anything. I nodded anyway. "Please don't die" I prayed as he walked away. I heard battle cries of wolves. The war was raging outside and I looked at the faces of other females who quite not like me.

I can see It in their stairs which says, why not give her up, why risk our mates, our daughters, our sons. I was asking myself same question for past twenty four hours. It would have been easier to gave myself up and not go into a full fledged war but I guess, they will not risk my life when I am expecting the future pup of the Rogue Family. But I so don't like it for them to go on war over me.

I wanted to know what is happening out there. I wanted to know somehow. I saw a shimmery image appear in the air and I saw Ronan and Victor standing in front of each other. "Your men are getting slaughtered, you can still save them, you just have to surrender my mate and your crown" Ronan looked sharply at his son. "I am not letting you harm my daughter and her unborn child in any case, not after what you did to her."

Victor looked board with his speeches. "She is a traitor to Dark pack, she have to face the consequences. She knows what she must do. I will show mercy and not kill those pack members that I captured if you surrender them." My life for them. It is a good deal. "You will kill them" Ronan said. "I cannot because I love her, but she should know that her actions will have consequences."

Fear gripped me, he will hit me again will he not? I saw Queen Celestine looking at me curiously. "Can I talk to you for a second?" She asked. I nodded and she took me into sitting area away from those prying eyes. "You look troubled my child what is paining you?" She asked.

"I cant see the reason why they are fighting over me? It would be wiser to let him take me away and save us all the trouble." I said. She softly stroked my head. "I know it seems wiser and easier but trust me Victor will still kill and take you prisoner anyway. We all know his bond to you and you are the only thing that can break him out of his mad rage. You are his mate and you can make him see the reason. This thing he have is something controlling him. Or rather someone controlling him."

I looked at her confused. Victor is not responsible for his own actions? "He have this darkness inside of him. It was prophesized that he will do great but terrible things. He is not total a werewolf. He is something else too. Like an alter ego or something. Like me I have an angel spirit and a wolf spirit within me. And I can change into both time to time"

"What is Victor?" I asked. "Something of Myth, but that is not our concern right now. The real concern is making him see the reason about it. And it will only come with a greater sacrifice. A sacrifice like no other, Only your love can make him see the reason behind it. I know I have sacrificed myself for my love too. And he had seen me."

"I...I am afraid of him" I shuttered moving my arms across my chest. "I know winter, I was afraid too, but we don't fear the person we love, it is just our own insecurities that come in out way. To change him, you need to let go of your fears, you need to tell him when he is wrong and praise him when he is right. You need to make him see that you are not ok with his actions, you are not alright with everything he does. You want him to know that you want, and you will get it. You will not back down and cower in fear ever again" She said.

"I don't know if I can do that" I said. "I can do that, it is my brother and my nephew's life on line and both are equally. I am afraid, but I can put myself between them if it would have helped but it will not. Only you can stop this madness. Only you can do it." She said softly to me. "Come here" She said and I walked into her awaiting arms. "Don't worry my child you will be good" She said.

I know I must do this. As the war raged more, the clearer it became to me. I can prevent the mass murder, I can I just have to be brave. "You are braver than you think Winter" I remember Amara's word. I am braver then I think. With a clear determination on my mind I walked out of the room. I left Dante there sleeping. I kissed my boy's forehead. "So long my precious boy, Mumma needs to do this" I said in his ears.

Then without turning back again I walked out of the castle grounds. I saw the both parties standing face to face. The warriors of Royal pack and Rogue pack side by side against my pack and Victor was in midst of them snarling.

 His eyes were black and he looked inhumane. I saw him many times like this, he is a killer. But he is my mate too. I need to remind him what he means to me. And what can I do for him. I need to show him, that I love him and that I will forever love him.

I saw Ronan and Victor ran towards each others claws and teeth's bared. No, they cannot fight each other. All will be lost if they did. I remember what Amara said about putting herself between them. I am going to do just that. I am going to put myself between them.

I saw Joseph by Victor's side. He looked back at me. And shake his head in no. "I am sorry" I mouthed. And then I ran at the direction where Ronan and Victor were about to collide. I ran as fast as my feet could take me. Ronan was the first to notice. His movements falter. He mouthed a no. But I didn't listened to him.

I continued towards them when Victor almost came within attack range. I put myself between him and Ronan. A wave of energy flowed through my hands knocking them backwards. I smiled as I saw them apart, no longer looking at each other but me. I looked around me and I saw them all putting their weapons down and bowing accept for Ronan and King Xander, and their queens. I find myself getting weaker. Then I noticed blood on my hand.

Victor recovered, and I almost fell to the ground. He caught me in time. I saw my blood gauzing out of my side. I saw Victor looking at me wide eyes. "no, no, no what I have done. No Mon Amore, don't you dare close your eyes on me." I smiled painfully slowly rubbing his cheek. "Still spiky, I like spiky." I said. "Why you did it Mon Amore?" He asked crying. "Have to, make you see..." I coughed. "Reason. Take care of Dante for me. Love him like you would have loved me"

"No Don't say it. You are not leaving me. You are not leaving us, not me, not our son. You are everything I ever had. I cannot lose you" I smiled at his stubbornness. "You will find someone better to love, You will find someone better..." I gasped for breath. "No, I love you Mon Amore. I only want you. You are not leaving me here alone." He said kissing me. I kissed back.

"I Love you My Prince" I said as I felt it extremely painful to breathe. I don't know how long can I will be able to see this beautiful face. "Don't hold grudges against anyone my prince, and find love once again."

"No, I Love you Mon Amore and I will not let anything to happen to you" He cut cross his wrist and pressed it on my mouth. "Drink" I cannot I find myself fading away, darkness surrounding my body. Then before I close my eyes I heard someone say 

"Hold on" And then I felt myself fed away from this world remembering for what it is worth I let him know I love him more than anything in this world.

Word Count: 1521 Words

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