Chapter 18

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It was almost nightfall when we reached the pack house. Dante was fast asleep at the back seat. My hands trembled and my feet refused to move. I was terrified of this place. I was terrified to step on to this soil. It was too much for me.

 I was afraid that once I get in I can never get out. I can never escape to live a life which I wanted always. I don't want this life for my son. I so don't want him to grow up between the people who know nothing about love. And I was terrified that maybe Victor will find the truth, I am hiding for him for so long.

"Come" It was the first word he had spoken since his wolf took control of his body. I have a feeling that he did not let his wolf control him much. Rather he acts more human than wolf, almost as if he is afraid letting his wolf control him. I moved forward in order to pick up Dante but he beat me to it. "I will take him" He said rather softly. Victor that I know can be anything but a softie.

He walked and I followed behind looking at his back all the time. This place still gives me major creeps. He led me inside and I am surprise to see that the entire pack house had been transformed. There are no longer present people who were openly flirting or making out with women or worse doing the did. Dark pack is renowned for its savagery. They believed in ancient traditions and treated women like dirt. And I am supposed to be Luna of that pack. A Slave to the Alpha, not a mate, not a companion.

"Wait here" he said softly. He walked to his room and came back with a key. "Let's go" He returned back to the car and drove for few minutes as a two story brick house came into view. He stopped in front of it and took my Luggage and another hand he was carrying Dante. I never saw this place before? What is this place anyway? Is he going to keep me prisoner here while having his wicked way with me? He growled lowly. Did he hear that? Did I think out loud?

"Stop bickering, I can hear your thoughts loud and clear. What would take you to stop talking?" He snapped. I almost startled at his outburst. Keyword almost. I was kind of hoping he will snap sooner or later. Victor is now the victor I know. No more Mr. Nice guy act. He will always and always will be the Dark pack's rogue Alpha. He unlocked the heavy wooden door of the mansion and walked inside. I saw him holding the door. Oh he is holding that for me. Crap.

I hastily walked inside and he locked it behind me. Now maybe the time when he murder me or chain me to the dungeon, but he did something I don't expect he speaks. "I have prepared your room and Dante's too. Since he is too small now, I have installed baby monitor too. My room is last right upstairs yours and Dante's are first and second. After you change come down I will cook you something. You must be hungry and I am not going to mix anything in it" He beat me by pointing my exact thoughts.

And my question is how the hell he knows that? It is creepy that he knows what I am thinking. I took a warm shower which relaxed me. But another kind of panic ran through me about being alone in here with him. How can I protect me against himself? He is huge, no he is also a wolf and I don't have that wolf gene in me. I am just me. Plain, simple and a not wolf. I cannot defend myself against his giantness. No I cannot.

I walk downstairs to stop at a quite unbelievable scenario. Dante sitting on a high chair and Victor was feeding him. Dante was not throwing a fit which was surprising even for me. I looked at them and they kind of looked like father and son. 

Only Dante was not his son not really anyway. I walked to the table they were sitting on to and tapped lightly over it to get their attention. Dante gave me a toothy grin. He is such a sweetheart when he wants to. And being with Victor I hardly doubt that he didn't scolded him before he fed him.

"How did you even make him follow you?" I asked him. " I just improvised. I had a little sister at home you know, I loved her more than anything. I still do" He said not looking at me. I realised one thing, he never talks about his family much. And he has major bad blood with his father. "I used to take care of her. Probably I took a little too much care of her. And..." 

He paused looking at me, then shake his head. "Never mind you must be hungry. Sit here I will bring you some food." I sat down as he picked up Dante and carried him towards kitchen sink. He gently wiped his face and placed him on the counter top.

He might be a bad person, but maybe he can be really good with kids. He carried Dante out and he put up a plate in front of me. A piping hot ball of Mac and cheese sitting in front of me, "It is not much, but it is something I can make in quick time. If you want I can cook you something else" he was nervous. "No it is fine. I am alright with anything." He shied in relaxation. But I didn't waited for him to give me permission. I was just so hungry.

When I was finished I looked at him. He was looking at me intently. I didn't quite catch the look, nor did I understand it. He reached for my plate and I did at the same time. Our hands touched I expected to feel sparks there, but there was none. It can only mean one thing. There is no remnants of mate bond between us. 

And that can happen only when he had accepted my rejection. Now I am free from him and he is free of me. He can find someone else and I can too. So why did he even bothered coming back to me? Why did he risked his life and his pack's to protect me? It does not make any sense. Nothing he does ever actually made any sense.

I quickly withdraw my hand and took the bowl to clean it. I was washing the dishes and he was drying it. Dante was playing in the dining area. He was not saying anything about the thing that happened back there. He was actually quite silent. Too silent for my liking. And I cannot blame him this time. I was too lost in my thoughts. Somewhere it didn't settle well with me that he will be in relationship with someone else. 

Especially when I have this weird idea stuck in my head about him being my Dante's father. Hold on, no way. I should be happy that he accepted this rejection. I am free to live my life my way. Then why on earth I feel so empty? It is as if someone had cut out a very important piece of my soul.

I saw him keeping the dishes neatly after drying them. Still he hasn't spoken a word to me. And it is getting kind of annoying if you ask me. What is with him and this obsessive compulsion disorder suddenly. I don't understand it a bit. He was not saying a word. He was just working. He kept the last dish in the rack and then turned around and left the kitchen.

I followed him to the dining area where he picked Dante up and took him to his room. I saw him changing him to night cloths and putting him to bed. Dante was too behaving like a very good child I don't know why. I wanted to know where my real son is? Did he exchange him somehow for tamer version? He softly sung to him and I have to admit his voice was quite beautiful.

He tucked Dante and kissed his forehead. Then he turned the baby monitor on. He looked up at me and walked towards me. I was standing there wanting for him to talk. He stood there reading me. I think he can read me like an open book. Then he said those words I dreaded most "we need to talk" Yes we do. But I don't think right now is the good idea of doing that.

Word Count: 1489 Words

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