Part 1

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I woke up because of the light from the sun peaking that hits my eyes, I stretched her arms before looking at the clock beside me.


"Oh, shit, shit." I jumped on my bed and made my way to closet to change into my corporate attire.

I'll shower later.

I had been working in this editorial firm as a writer. I love to write and I worked my ass on a book that I wrote. I already sent a draft of this book weeks ago to the assistant Editor-in-chief, Jema Galanza, who has been working there for 5 years.

I woke up late. Goddamit.

For 3 months now, I have never slept thru my usual wake-time. I cursed myself for staying late last night, twisting and turning in nervousness because, for the first time, I will be meeting the Editor-in-Chief of the company who just came back from a 4 month conference on Ohio.

I looked at my cellphone, finding a message from Jema.

Get coffee. Unsweetened Cinnamon light soy latte. Bring before 7:55

Jema never drinks anything that has caffeine in it, so I thought, it's for our boss.

I rushed towards the coffee shop where I usually went, to get my daily dose of Mochachino. When I arrived, the queue was long.

"Bea!" Jillian, the barista called me and smiled sweetly at me. I squeezed my way into the front and the customers behind me complained. "Your usual?"

"Actually no, can I have a Unsweetened Cinnamon light soy latte."


I looked at my wrist watch and I am definitely running late. 7:45.

"You know what, make that two."

Jillian nodded and in a minute she was done.

"You literally saved my life. Thank you so much!" I said and rushed towards the exit.

I squeezed myself into the usual New York traffic holding my bag on my right hand and the coffees in the other, elevating it so as not to spill if I bump into something, or someone. I heard a horn from the taxi behind me but I ignored it and ran towards the other street into the office.

When I was in the hallway, I saw the elevator going to close its doors so I sped towards it. I stumbled my right shoulder on the closing door. It made a loud bang noise so the people on the elevator looked at me.

"Everyone okay?" I asked them but none answered. "Yeah. Me too." I sighed.


"Hello, Amy? How's my favorite writer?" Jhoana said in the phone while she was walking towards her office. She just came back from the conference and it is her first day back. "Of course you have been thinking about our talk cause you know I'm right."

She looked on her left and right before crossing the street. "People in this country is busy and broke and they need someone who they trust, and to say 'Hey don't watch TV tonight, read Amy's book, because in that book is the President.'."


"Wow. Buzzer beater." The receptionist acknowledged me as I am catching my breath.

"Yeah, first time." I said between chuckles, not looking in my way. "Thank you Captain Obvious!" I said in sarcasm.

I was on her way inside when the janitor didn't saw me and bumped me, spilling the coffee that I was holding. "Sweet.. JESUS!!" I exclaimed as the hot liquid was crawling its way from my stomach to my thighs.

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