Part 2

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Stevie couldn't tell the title of the movie she was watching on TV. It wasn't that she was interested, it simply filled the silence in her home. She didn't exactly know, when she started feeling so lonely. Possibly, when she started working for the Buckinghams, when a generous, caring man opened the door to his home, which he shared with his wife and two children. 

Sipping from a wine glass, Stevie traveled back about four years in her mind. Some might say she had everything back then; a good job, a boyfriend and a baby on the way. Everything disappeared from her life in a matter of seconds. Stevie was nearly four months pregnant at the time. She and Eric went to see his parents, to share the good news. Getting in the car to drive back home, Stevie turned to him, reached for his hand and smiled, telling him, she loved him. Those were the last words she had ever told him. She couldn't remember a lot of what happened, but she knew the car crash was horrible and Stevie was told, it was a miracle she survived. For all she cared, she could have died with Eric and their baby.

It took time for Stevie's broken bones to heal, but the emotional wounds, she doubted, could ever be treated. She stayed with her brother's family for nearly a year and she probably wouldn't have been able to stand back up on her feet without their help. But a time came for Stevie to try and continue on with her life as normal as possible. She had lost her job and had to search for other offers, but nothing really stuck. That was when one of a few friends Stevie had left, introduced her to Lindsey Buckingham. 

Christmas time was the hardest. Stevie had the best memories of the holidays and it pained her now that she had no one. Of course people around her pushed her to start something new, to meet someone else, but that just wasn't an option for Stevie. She had it once and lost it, she couldn't bare losing it again.

The clock on the wall read 1:47 am. Stevie was tired after standing on her feet all day, busy with a feast, as Lindsey put it, and she was ready to go to bed. Finishing off the wine, Stevie turned off the TV and got up. She turned off the light in the living room and walked out, turning right to her bedroom. 

Stevie nearly had a heart attack, when the phone started ringing. She immediately assumed something had happened to one of her parents, her father wasn't doing too well lately. With her heart pounding, Stevie answered whoever was calling her at that time of night.

"Mom? Dad? Chris?" Stevie spoke, without bothering with a hello.

"Un, not exactly." A nervous chuckle came from the other end of the line and Stevie frowned.

"Lindsey?" Stevie asked unsure.

"Yeah, it's me."

"Did something happen? Are you okay?" Leaning against the wall, she twirled the phone cord around her finger.

"I'm just fine, everyone is." Stevie could tell he was a little tentative. "I'm sorry, I'm calling you so late, but I know you don't go to bed early."

"You caught me just in time."


"Why are you calling me?"

"I just wanted to check up on you." Lindsey said, scratching the back of his neck. He walked back and forth, as far as the phone cord allowed him to. "I don't know, I just... I don't like the thought of you being alone around the holidays."

Stevie smiled weakly, touched by his concern. "I'm alright, but thank you."

"Good, glad to hear it." Lindsey thought he heard movement upstairs and he lowered his voice. "What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Stevie asked, a little surprised. "Well, I have an invitation from a friend for a dinner party at her house."

"Are you going?"

"Maybe." Stevie replied, shrugging her shoulders more to herself, because Lindsey obviously couldn't see her. "Why are you asking?"

"I realized that I forgot to give you your Christmas present before you left."

"Mrs. Buckingham has already given me my bonus."

"Well, yeah, but I- we also have an actual present for you." Stevie raised an eyebrow, allowing him to continue. "Maybe I could come see you tomorrow, before you got to the party?"

"Lindsey, I... is that appropriate?"

"Why wouldn't it be?" 

Stevie hesitated for a moment, then decided it was simply a nice gesture. "Well, okay. I'll be home until around 7."

"Brilliant!" Lindsey frowned, brilliant?! He lowered his voice again, cursing himself. "So, I'll see you some time tomorrow. Have a good night, Stevie."

"See you. Goodnight, Lindsey." 

Stevie stared at the receiver for a minute after the call. Weird, she thought.

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