"I Guess I'm Pretty Stupid!"

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Keeping up the fake and cheerful persona, he congratulated Mina as she skipped towards the 'Bakusquad'. He had to maintain the image he had created of himself, so he volunteered to try out the exercise. 

Lets just say, it went horribly. All Denki wanted to do was break down and cry. Of course, he couldn't show such weakness in front of people like Aizawa, All Might or his classmates.  He also couldn't do that, as he felt like he was stuck in an empty void. He was an empty vessel, his mind being controlled by his quirk. Everyone laughed at him and he did as his parents told him to: a thumbs up. Even Eijiro Kirishima, the one Denki thought would understand that his self-confidence was like a speck of dust, laughed at his 'whey mode'. 

~~An Hour Later~~

Denki finally escaped the cage that held his soul from controlling his body, and Bakugo, Sero and Mina were waiting for him. "Kiri had to go home, he told us to let you know that-" Mina had started, but Bakugo cut her off, saying "He wanted to tell you that you did well even though you did a terrible job, Pikachu.". Denki looked down, but masked his pain with another fake smile. He said, "I guess I'm pretty stupid!".

"Smile wider, Denki!" came the mockingly cheerful voice. 

So he did. 

Little did they know, that was Denki Kaminari's cry for help. 

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