7. Break down that wall

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When he opened his eyes that morning, the first thing Liam wondered was whether the sun had always been so blinding. He squeezed his eyes, untangling an arm from the sheets to cover his face. Then groaning when the movement made his stomach turn over in a way not pleasant at all.

His head was bursting, it seemed as if someone was beating him repeatedly from the inside against the right temple. Liam mentally noted that he would never again accept alcohol from Josh, or any other person in the world, to be fair.

While taking this sacred vow with himself, he pulled the blanket to cover his face and didn't have to face like this the outside world for at least a few more hours. Or at least tried . Because that didn't seem interested in cooperating.

"Liam stop fucking pulling" Theo's voice moaned somewhere behind him, sleepy but somehow already full of annoyance since early in the morning.

Liam jumped violently, because that was really the last thing he expected to hear at that moment and in that place. He whirled around just to see Theo sleeping in his bed, next to him, in his boxers . Maybe alcohol was still playing tricks on him, because really, that was surreal.

He didn't have time to figure out or question himself about this, because his stomach got badly revenge on him for his abrupt movement, the bile that climbed his throat forcefully.

Running in the bathroom was a thought that didn't even come close to him at that moment - he would be buried in shame later, when he would be sure that dying was no longer a possible risk - while he threw up on the floor leaning out of bed.

Disgusting, he thought, blinking his eyes full of tears, a grimace that tilted his lips.

He heard Theo laugh behind him, the asshole , as he slowly fell back against the mattress, humbled. "Don't laugh, you asshole" Liam muttered, his cheeks now red with shame, looking at the ceiling as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.

"Hey, I told you not to drink, if you didn't want to, remember?" Theo said quietly, looking at him with a half smile on his lips.

"Actually, I think I don't remember anything at all" Liam murmured slowly, squinting, trying to put the pieces of the previous night back together. Then he finally turned to Theo, looking at him suspiciously. "Why are you in my bed?" He asked, and raised an eyebrow "And why are you in your boxers ?"

Theo rolled his eyes. "It's such a long story" he just said.

"I have all the time in the world. I'm not going to get up of here for the next five years."

"Don't be dramatic. And know that I will not clean the whole mess down there all by myself, Mr. This-is-also-my-party "

Liam groaned at the thought of the mess that could have happened downstairs. He raised his hands to rub his temples and Theo laughed again.

"I hate you" Liam mumbled, then moved his hands to cover his eyes.

"Mmh, that's not what you thought last night" Theo said, his voice suggestive as a sly smile curled his lips.

"What?! " Liam croaked in response, his voice high-pitched, widening his eyes and turning back to look at him, his stomach protesting again violently.

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