9. May I have a dance too?

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"-iam ... Liam ..."

Liam, his eyes still closed, made a groan of protest when someone shook him harshly, turning his face against the blanket as if to protect himself. "Some more, mum..." he mumbled confusedly.

Someone snorted.

"Liam, wake up or I swear to God that I throw you off this couch."

Liam's eyes widened when the message clearly came to his brain that no, it wasn't his mum who had been trying to wake him up for ten minutes.

In the next few seconds he realized that his right hand was not resting on the mattress as he thought, but on a thigh. Theo's thigh.

And that his head rested not on a pillow, but on the blanket piled up on a hip. Theo's hip.

And when the thought of have being sleeping half spread on the other boy reached him, he sat up quickly, squeaking, trying at the same time to untangle his hands from the blanket and his legs from Theo's legs. It was the same moment when he rolled off the couch.

Liam, face flushed with embarrassment, not sure if it was for sleeping over Theo or just for having fallen like an idiot, finally met the other's eyes, who looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a half smile, a shadow of blush also on his cheeks ... probably because of the fever, Liam thought.

"Well, apparently you did it all by yourself" Theo murmured, smug, as his lips curled into a sardonic smile.

Liam sat up with a groan, glaring at him. "You could just push me away," he muttered, rubbing his head.

"I tried," Theo said dramatically, sitting back and pulling the blanket away. "But you tried to bite me"

Liam stood up with a sigh, and then fell heavily back into his seat next to Theo, pushing him gently on his shoulder. "Don't oversell it now, you idiot."

Theo chuckled. "Seriously, you were sleeping so well, I wouldn't even have woken you up if it wasn't that you weren't cutting off my circulation." he added, more gently.

Liam shook his head with a snort, then looked at him worriedly. "How are you feeling now? Looks like you still have a fever" Liam said.

"I'm fine" Theo rolled his eyes.

"Then why are you completely red?" Liam asked naively.

Theo felt his heart skip a beat, and instinctively put his hand on his cheek, almost as if he wanted to feel the heat to make sure.

Seriously, had he just blushed because he had woken up with Liam resting on his side? ..His relaxed face, half-open mouth, and a hand resting gently on his leg ... He was probably blushed again now. Damn. What was this kid doing to him?

Theo turned his head, suddenly finding the motifs that decorated the rug under the couch extremely interesting. "It ... it's just hot" he said dryly.

Liam rolled his eyes. "Yes of course"

"Hey if-"

"Oh you are finally awake!" Jenna's voice silenced the two who turned to look at the smiling woman, standing in the living room doorway.

"Hey mom!" Liam sprang up quickly, pulling his mother in a hug. "I missed you" Theo followed their moves with his eyes, a small smile that tilted his lips, feeling slightly uncomfortable standing there watching them, as if he were intruding on something intimate

"I missed you too, honey" Jenna muttered, loosening herself from the embrace and giving him a pat on the cheek, then right after turning a worried look at Theo. "Did you just say you have a fever, Theo?" she asked, reaching for him and immediately putting a hand on his forehead. Theo shifted uncomfortably.

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