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"Tomorrow evening at 6 O'clock I need you here so we can work on that defence

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"Tomorrow evening at 6 O'clock I need you here so we can work on that defence. For now shoot some free throws and then we call it a day." Coach blows his whistle signalling the end of practice which is heaven for me. I have been running everyday for the past 6 months but I'm sure this full sprint suicide drill just kicked my ass. Judging by the look on the approaching Coach's face, I'm not the only one who noticed. "How are we doing Charlie?"

"Good. We're Fine." I double over and rest my full body weight on my knees as I try to get the maximum amount of air into my lungs. When I feel like I can finally breathe again, I straighten up and swallow "Nothing you need to worry about."

"I'm your coach. It's my job to worry about all of you." Which is not unlike Coach Riley who isn't just a coach to me or the other guys on the team. I think we all have a different story when it comes to him. For each one of us he symbolises something different but something similar in the sense of things we've lost. For me, he's the closest thing that I have to a father figure and he has been there for me more than my own parents have which is saying a lot.

Coach brings the broken pieces in us together and makes us whole-makes us a family. I'd kill for everyone on this team and so will Riley. I guess that's why his teams always work so well together.

His green eyes scan me worriedly-like he also thinks me being here is a bad idea "I spoke to Schumacher, he doesn't think you're ready for this."

F**king Schumacher. I should have known having Riley's friend as my therapist was a bad idea.

"So much for doctor-patient confidentiality huh?" I say half-jokingly, half serious and Riley chuckles slightly "how often am I the subject of your weird bingo club conversations."

"You come up a few times when we meet up for drinks not bingo. We're not that old."

"Tell that to the 40 pounds hanging on your belly coach."

Coach laughs, his eyes crinkling at the edges "You might have to be a comedian after I drop your ass from the team for fat-shaming the coach."

"You know who else thinks I'm funny? My PT. You should start having drinks with her because unlike Schumacher, she thinks I'm fine."

"She thinks your body is fine."

"And that's all I need Coach. I'm in good shape. I've been eating clean-well, mostly. I may or may have not kept the alcohol to a minimum. Everything's great. With your help, I'll be ready before midnight madness."

"And we are going to keep putting in all the work you need but I can't let you stop seeing Schumacher." I open my mouth to speak but Coach cuts me off "I know you think you're fine and no ones disputing that but you gotta work through your issues. I've seen you play and the person I saw today is not the same Charlie who owned the championships two years ago."

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