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My bra comes off first, and my underwear follows

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My bra comes off first, and my underwear follows. I can feel Charlie's eyes on me throughout the whole process, and I can't bring myself to look at him. Call me a coward, but I'm scared of what I'll see. I'm naked in front of him-vulnerable-with all my insecurities laid bare on a platter of gold for him to see.

"Look at me." He commands almost like he can read my thoughts.

I force my eyes to meet his, and the intensity of his gaze makes me swallow hard. Charlie is staring at me with that familiar heated look that sets every part of me on fire. The look that makes me feel wanted. Enough. And somehow, all the anxiety that has built up inside me about being naked in front of someone else for the first time becomes a tiny box in the back of my mind. I can't seem to access it no matter how hard I try. Not when Charlie is staring at me like I'm the most wondrous thing to exist.

It scares me that I want nothing more than to be looked at by him like this forever, but I can't stop myself from saying.

"You're staring."

"I know," he replies softly. His eyes travel down, then he says. "It's hard not to. You look amazing." His eyes glimmer when they return to my face as his lips stretch into a lopsided boyish grin. "Your tits look f*cking amazing. I don't know how to say this without sounding like a total perv, but I've been thinking about seeing them again since the day I walked into your room without knocking."

It's hard to believe that Charlie, the guy who has been with numerous girls, is standing in front of me and admitting that he thinks I look amazing and that he has been thinking about me naked. It's tough to believe. Never in a million years would I have thought this would happen.

But it's precisely what's happening. And holy shit, I realise as I take a breath, it's so f*cking hot.

"So why are you still standing there?" I don't know where the sudden burst of confidence comes from, but all I know is that I need to feel Charlie's hands on me again. I need him-painfully.

Charlie yanks his shirt over his head and strips out of the shorts he's wearing, leaving him in his briefs. I drink him in. He's all chiselled muscles and abs-Hard, solid, ready. A shiver runs down my spine, and Charlie grins.

Before I can tell him not to boast, his lips are back on mine hungrily, and every rational thought dissipates into nothing when they travel down my neck-leaving a trail of hot, wet kisses everywhere. My earlobes, the hollow between my breasts before capturing my right nipple, my stomach-and Oh God, lower. I feel a tingle in my lower abdomen, similar to that of when on a rollercoaster or when my mum drives too fast down a slope. It's becoming difficult to focus on breathing when all I can think about is how I can feel him everywhere. His mouth glides down my thigh, one hand squeezing my hip delicately whilst the other kneads my breast.

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