Chapter 5: Whats Lost May Not be Found

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"Okay. Go through with it. I have to save my baby. Even if she doesn't survive, I'll know that I tried."

With that, the nurse nodded and we sat back down, awaiting the news of Kristina's condition. Will she live, or will she die?

<Jasmine POV>

Ms Gamble's head rested in my lap. I stroked her hair absentmindedly as we waited. I figured she had dozed off a while because her breathing had become rhythmic. Cassie was asleep in a waiting room chair and Mr.Milsap had gone to get some coffee. Ms. Gambles 'Grandmother' had come to the hospital about a hour ago. We have been waiting for 6 hours now. Mr. Milsap walked in he room and looked at Ms.Gamble. He shook his head. "Wake her up for me? Im gonna take you guys home." I nodded and gently shook her. She stirred. "Ms. Gamble? Ms. Gaaaamble" I whispered. Her eyes shot open and she sat up abruptly.

"What? Krsitina okay?" She asked looking around.

"We don't know yet...but Mr. Milsap wants to take us to your house." I replied.

She shook her head. "I cant leave and go home while my child is still in the hospital!"

"Keisha, its not like that. I mean, look at you. You need rest. We cant stay in this hospital forever." Mr.Milsap coaxed. Ms. Gamble closed her eyes and nodded.

"You're're right." She replied, standing up. She motioned for me to follow her and I did. We were walking towards the waiting room exit as a disheveled nurse ran into the room.

"Kristina Gamble-Carter? Kristina Gam-"

"-Were here..." Ms.Gamble croaked. The nurse looked down and sighed as Ms Gamble's face dropped.

"...I regret to inform you that-"

"NO! I CANT! I...I cant have any more bad news...I- I cant take it." She sobbed. I stared at her in disbelief. She cried on my shoulder and I rubbed her back. Cassie put her hands over her face and cried. Ms.Gamble looked about ready to pass out. Mr. Milsap looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Please..have a seat and I will explain. I have good news and I have bad news." She said shakily.

We sat down together in the back of the waiting room. The woman took a breath.

"The good news is that Kristina is alive." We all took a breath. It seemed like a great weight was taken off of our shoulders. The nurse braced herself for her next sentence.

"The bad news is that shes in a coma. Its up to her whether she is going to wake or not. The chances of her living is 35% right now. I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you." She said.

"...Thank you, nurse." Ms. Gamble said, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Now, ma'am visiting hours are over and she needs rest. I can see you do too. Please, go home and come back tomorrow. We will have everything ready for you then, I promise."

Ms.Gamble stifled a sob. "Okay. Thank you." She held onto me for support. We walked out together. One. One mismatched broken family. Those words made me feel fuzzy inside. My family. The moment was bittersweet. My sister is dying! What am I going to do? I have so much to catch up with her on. This is the first family that I had to actually hold on to for years...I cant let her go now.

The car ride home was silent. Ms. Gamble was knocked out in the front. Her chest moved and down rhythmically. I turned to look as Cass. Her head rested on the window of the car, her jaw slacked. I sat, wedged in the middle between Cassasdra and Ms. Gamble's mom. Ms. Gamble's mom sat, lips taut and eyebrows furrowed. She was beautiful. She was darkskin with straight pearly white teeth. Her lips were plump like her breasts and her butt. Her smile brightened up her light brown eyes. Her hair was curly and tinted with grey and her voice sounded like velvet. She was the perfect example of a grandmother.

Her eyes were dark now. Everyone's eyes were dark now. The car drove through the treacherous night, slicing through the foreboding darkness. What is ahead? Will Kristina be okay? I thought. My thoughts blurred as the darkness from outside seeped into the car and began to envelop me in its warmth and calmness.


<Kristina POV>

I fixed my feet on the surfboard and stood up shakily. The wave rocketed me foreward. I smiled as droplets of water sprinkled my face. I rode along as the wave began to get bigger. My eyes widened as the board shook underneath my feet. I fell in to the deep blue, blue sea and watched the sunlight fall away. I sunk and sunk into complete blackness. Then I fell. I fell through the ocean. There was no water. My skin dried as I felt my stomach rise into my throat while I continued free falling. I hit the ground abruptly. It was hot. Brick oven hot. I got up and brushed myself off. I sniffed. Whats smells like its burning? I look at my foot. "IM BURNING! HELP MEEEE" I screamed, stomping my foot on the floor. The fire climbed up my body. It burned my skin. Blisters began to form and pop. I saw and felt my skin begin to crust. Then I heard the sickening *POP...POP* Of my bones beginning to burn. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I collapsed. I fell through the floor and floated. I was no longer on fire. I looked at my surroundings. I woke up in a hospital room. A wave of calm washed over me as I floated peacefully. I looked at the bed and I almost jumped out of my body. I was myself! Was it really me though? I floated through the air towards the folder that held the girl's medical records. It read:

Kristina Gamble-Carter

Height: 5'4

Weight: 124 lbs

Diagnosis: Diabetes and Sickle Cell.

Known Relatives: Keisha Gamble and Jasmine Carter

I gasped and took a step back. Diabetes? Sickle Cell? Jasmine? Why was my name Gamble-Carter? What is going on? I looked down at my body which was laying peacefully. Am I asleep? I walked over to myself and touched my face. My arm was hooked up to some pouch of red liquid. Was it blood? It read 'O positive'. I shrugged and turned around to look at everything else attached to me. I looked at the monitor that measured my heart rate.

"BEEP...BEEP...BEEEEEP...BEEEEEEEP" The monitor screamed. The beeps got louder as the screen turned red. My body began to shake as nurses and doctors ran into the room. They walked right through me and didn't notice me as the ran to the body on the bed. Am I dying? The doctors spoke frantic commands to each other as the monitor began to go blank. I saw the doctors frantically trying to revive me. I screamed and cried as a white golden tentacle came from the sky. It glowed brighter and brighter as the light enveloped the whole room. Calm swept over me. I felt...nothing. The room slipped away as I floated. Floated weightlessly towards the source of the light. Then there was nothing.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2016 ⏰

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