Learning to Live

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For what has to have been the six hundredth time, I pulled Jess away from the cell next to ours and its presumably shady inhabitants. Thanks to this insane ball of energy I otherwise refer to as my roommate, we were stuck in mall jail--yeah, we're actually that lame--and the last thing I needed was for her "I-wanna-be-friends-with-everyone-on-the-planet-and-we-can-all-fly-around-on-magical-otters" attitude to pick us up a couple of creepy criminal convict stalkers. Okay, maybe I was being a little too overprotective, but really, who gets stuck in freaking mall jail?

Oh, that's right. Us.

And to think, less than three hours ago I was perfectly content and jail-free, sitting in our apartment and lost in a book. Then, of course, I get pulled out of the lovely world of Harry Potter with all its magic and mystery and overall awesomeness (I mean, admit it, we all secretly hoped for that acceptance letter) as, all of a sudden, the door bursts open and Jess barrels through, screaming, "SARAH! My life has just. been. MADE!"

I should've run when I had the chance.


Hey everyone! This is my first ever story, so I'm just putting up kind of a teaser, and if anyone wants me to go on, I'll start putting up more and writing this story. Feedback is appreciated, but no hate please!

A/N 12/5--dedicated to CrystalMelons for always being one of the first to read and comment on my posts :)

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