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Ok so this is a bit long, but fair warning it gets steamy.

The day passed and soon came time for Pentious to meet up with Angel. Pentuous got ready hopeing he would empress Angel with his new look. One of his egg bois whistled "you look swell mr boss man." Pentious rolled his eyes at the egg bois complement. "humm you really think so?" Other egg bois chimed in. "oh yes sir, real swell." Pentious smiled admiring his reflection and took a deep breath before he headed out. "Mr boss man, wait! you forgot your hat!" An egg boi came running towards him holding the living hat. "Oh no, the hats to much. It's not chill enough. He stays today." Pentious replied as he shut the door. Pentious living hat frowns as he looked down at the floor. "There, there, its alright." An egg boi patted the hat trying to comfort him.

Pentious drove up to the steps of the hotel, in his old school black elegant car. Where angel stood waiting for him. He wore a pink and white striped, long sleve minie dress, with long stockings, and a pair of small white boots. Pentious got out of the car in order to open the door for Angel. Angel starred at Pentious. Admiring his new look. Pentious didnt wear much in clouths. Being that he was a snake and all, but he looked good. He wore a simple black v neck with a black leather jacket, and no top hat. "Well well wellll, look who can dress up while dressing it look sexy." "Thanksss... you look lovely as well." As Sir Pentious opened the door, and helped Angel in. Pentious got in the car. "so who helped you?." "Hmm...oh well my minions. Apparantly I didn't have a lot of "chill cloths". Ssso they helped me with shopping for sssome new items. This is what some of the "cool kids"wear now a daysss" pentious explained. "Well I gatta say it suits you." Angel smiled as he felt his leather jacket. "Oh and I brought your coat." "Thanksss"  pentious places it in the back seat. "ready?" Pentious asked. "Ready if you are baby."

They drove up to one of Angel's favorite bars. They go inside, and angel is greeted by a couple of regulars as well as the bartender. "Angel how the hell are ya." The barkeep yelled from across the bar. "Doing good, but you know I could do a lot better with a couple of drinks in me." Angel grinned. "and who's this you got wicha,  another victime in your web." The barkeep joked as he chuckled. "This is a friend of mine penty. You may know him as the king Pin Sir Pentious." "Well whatta you know. Well at least you have good taste snake." the barkeep winks at pentious. "what will it be boys." "I'll take a whiskey on the rocks, and give us the bottle" Angel quickly replied. almost to quick. "...and I'll have the same hesss having." "Comin rite up." Once drinks at hand The pair went over to table in the back, and took a seat.

"Well what have you been up to?" Angel asked Pentious as he quickly drank his first drink.  Not wanting to fall behind Pentious drank up all his drink to. Angel noticed his attempt, and simply smirked. He found what pentious was trying to do quite cute, as he poured himself another drink. "Well nothing ssso far, other than my ssshopping trip, not many eventful thingsss really." Angel took another shot of whisky. "how about your plans to take over hell?" Pentious eyes widen. He hadn't thought about hell domination since his encounter with Angel. "Well I decided to take your advice and take a brake." Pentious rubbed the back of his head. Trying to think of what to say. "how about you? Pentious quickly followed taking another shot of his own. "Not much either. Fat nuggets and I slept in until late. I helped charlie with some hotel buisness, Hung out with cheerie a bit, and today i got all dolled up for you." Angel took yet another shot. dolled up...for me. Pentious repeated to himself. "Well I mean it sssounds nice none the lessss. If you dont mind me asking. Who's fat nuggetsss?" As he stayed cought up to Angels drinking. "Hes the cutest, sweetest, pinkist wittle thing evo." "I ssssee..." Pentious looked a bit annoyed over this fat nuggets. Angel laughed "I cant believe your jealous..." "What!'m just curiousss as to whom this fat nuggets isss, and why you think hes ssso...sssweet." Angel laughed again. A bit harder this time as took another hit. "hes my pet pig!" Pentious blushed feeling a bit foolish. "So doesss that mean your not ssspoken for?" Pentious asked as he drank another shot. "Spoken for?...are you asking if I'm single?" Pentious gulped hard a bit nervous now. "I mean, I'm just curiousss to know if you were committed to sssomone at this point in time." Angel smiled "why?...would you like to be the one who I'm "committed to?"" Pentious heart was basically jumping out of his chest "if that'sss ok with you? I mean, I just thought, it would be nice to...umm..." Angel started drinking out of the bottle at this point. "sure..." Pentious eyes got wide, as he looked at Angel in disbelief. "wh-what?...really?" Pentious took another shot to help calm himself. "Ya sure why not, I mean I dont really do the whole dating thing. Since all the men I've been with weren't really into me. Rather wanting to be in me..." Pentious held Angel's hand "I like you you for who you are. Not what you do...I know I dont know you well, but I would like to." Angel blushed and looked away. "After a few more shots, Pentious started to lighlty turn red, becoming light headed. "You dont drink much do ya penty?" Angel used his fingers to walk up Pentious hand towards his arm. "Well on occasion yesss, I'll have some wine or brandy, but never thisss much thiss quick, but I'm all right." Pentious sluring ever so slightly. "Its ok I'll take care of you sweet stuff."

Sir Dust. An unexpected love story(Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now