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Angel dust stood in his room pacing back and forth. He was so nervous for tonight, He wasn't sure what to do. He cant believe he said yes to Pentious offer to start dateing. He was scared of putting him off, or Pentious fucking him over. He didn't know what to so he decided for once in his life he would call reinforcements.

Charlie knocked on Angel's door. "Ummm Angel? you called for me?" Angel quickly opened the door "ya ya come in, quick." He grabbed Charlie by the arm and pulled her in. As he threw her on the bed. "Whooaaa!" Charlie a bit dazed looked next to her to find cherri bomb laying on Angel's bed. "Oh must be cherri nice to meet you", "what's up princess." Cherri replied non chalant. "So umm Angel. Mind letting us know why we are here?" "Ya man what gives
You look like shit. You coming down from another high?"

Angel sat on the low end of the bed. Took a deep breath "I'm freaking out because iv been seeing Sir Pentious a lot lately and eventually we started to date and we fooled around and now I'm not so sure if I can do the dating scene becouse I never really done it and I'm scared but I reallllly like him." Angel took another deep breath and looked at the two girls. Both of them just sat their speachless. After a momment of mental processing. Cherrie jumped up. "Wait what! Your dating the fucking snake who tried to kill us!" Cherrie blew up. "Ya Angel i thought you and Sir Pentious were ememys."  harlie asked calmly. "I know, I know, but listen we got to talking, and decided to be friends, and after hanging out for awhile he seemed to be nice, and sweet, and such a gentlman. he treats me differently than other demons." Angel looked like a love strucked school girl "awwwww" Charlie excitingly exclaimed. "plus the foreplay is great, and he has two dicks..." "damn girl, I guess this snake really has you in his grip, and two of them, fuck how do you even do it?" Angel blushed a bit "it's really not that hard...first you..."

"wait! hold on..." Charlie inturupted. "You said you werent ready and that it scared you. What exactly is scary about it? does Pentious not feel the same?" Cherri chimed in "ya what gives, if u like him, and he likes you, and the sex is good...then what's the issue?" Angel sighed and look down. "well he has told me he likes me and that he wanted to try, so that's good, but I never dated anyone before." "Like ever?" Charlie asked surprised.  "no never, it's always been buisness or pleasure. Never my line of work it's better to keep it that way." "Well do you like him?" Charlie asked. "ya." Angel answered. "does he feel the same?" Cherrie added. "So he says." "does he treat you right?" Charlie smiled. "Of course..." Cherrie sat next to Angel. "does it get hot and steamy between the two of you?"  Angel smirked. "oh fuck ya." Charlie joined the two "does he make you want to be better, make you feel like trying something new for him, like this whole dating scene?" Angel blushed. "he sure does." Cherrie placed a hand on angel shoulder. "does he have two dicks?" Angel chuckled. "damn right." "Then you have nothing to worry about." Charlie's eyes got big and glossy. "as long as you both put you Hearts into it, you will be fine." Angel looked at both girls happy to have their advice "thanks girls..."

After a momment of silence both charlie and cherri shrieked "Oh shit I cant believe your dating the snake." Cherrie shrieked. "I know how sweet, I never would of thought." Charlie shrieked as she clapped her hands quickly.  Angel shrieked to just as excited about the whole thing. "I know, hes so kind and hella sexy." "So what is he planning for tonight? You to going clubbing, becouse I know this great rave." Cherri asked curiously. "Oh no, he invited me to dinner at his place around 8pm." charlie quickly interrupted "what! 8pm. Angel it's already 6:30!" Angel stood up "what! What am I ganna do!? i havnt even showered yet! I'm going to be late!" Angel panicked. Charlie grabbed Angel "hey calm down. Take a deep breath. Go hop in the shower and cherrie and I will help you get ready." Angel did as he was told. "Thanks girls!"

Time flew by and by around 7:45. Angel was adding some final touches. He sprayed his favorite perfume, and put on a deep red lipstick. Angel stood up and faced the girls. "How do I look." Charlie and Cherrie eyes got wide. Angel wore a bright red strapless dress, covered in glitter, it showed off his slim shoulders, and the fluff from his chest stood out more, really showing off the heart shape he had in the middle. it had a side slip to show off his long slender legs, and an open back. He wore a gold choke collar like necklace, and matching stiletto heels, and his favorite blond wig, with pink highlights. Cherri whistled "damn girl you look hot!" Charlie stood up and took Angel's hand "you look beautiful. I'm sure Pentious is ganna love it."

A knock at the door spooked the girls. They ran to Angel's window, it was Pentious. "Hes here!" Angel gasped nervously. Charlie and Cherri both grabbed Angel. "it's going to be ok, just enjoy your date with him." Charlie assured Angel. "Ya show him what a hot piece of ass you are." Angel hugged both girls. "thanks guys." They all quickly made their way down stairs. Charlie opened the door. "Can I help you?" Sir Pentious looked just as nervous as Angel. "Oh hello princesss. Good evening. I was wondering if Angel Dussst was around. We are sssorta going on a date." Charlie giggled "I know all about it. Please wont you come in?" Sir Pentious slithered in and took a seat on the couch near by. He quickly panned the room.

Cherrie joined him. Pentious felt a bit awkward, since he did try to kill her a while back. "Cherrie bomb I just wanted to apolog..." Cherrie placed a finger on Pentious mouth shushing him. As she blew a bubble from some gum she had been chewing. "I dont need any apology. I'm happy for my boy, and that's it. Any shit that happened between you and me is in the past." "Same goes for me. Im really happy for you and Angel. I wish you the best." Charlie added as she sat down on the other side of Pentious. Cherrie glared at Pentious. "but just to let you know. You hurt him and I'll be making a new pair of boots out of you." Pentious gulped.

"Hey baby." Angel inturupted as he stood at the top of the stairs. Pentious eyes widened in awe. Angel looked beautiful. Angel made his way to the bottom of the stairs were Pentious awaited him. Angel stuck out his hand for Pentious. Who gladly took it. "You look absssolutely ravishing my dear." As he kissed Angel's hand. Angel blushed "thank you." Angel's heart was thumping hard. "But hey look at you. Damn penty baby. You sure dress up nice." Pentious gave a devilish smile. "Oh no, this old thing...its just something I had lying around." "do you have everything you need. My love?" Pentious asked. "Yup let's go." The two of them headed towards the door. Pentious open it for Angel. Angel looked back at the girls and waved. "Dont wait up!" "bye have fun!" both girls yelled. As the door closed behind them.

Sir Dust. An unexpected love story(Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now