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"Oh my! Oh my! We are late to wake the boss." A couple of egg bois yelled as they ran up to their masters room. An egg boi peeked in. Then looked at the others shushing them to be quiet. They entered tiptoeing quietly. The egg bois looked at the couple. They looked so cute wrapped around each other. the egg bois smiled, happy to see their boss so happy. Jealous, but happy. One of the egg bois opened the large curtains, that led to the balcony. Allowing some sun to enter the room. Soon after they ran down stairs to prepare breakfast for their master and mr Angel.

The sun quickly warmed up the room. Pentious slowly opened his eyes. He had a wonderful slumber, replaying last night's events, as if it were all a dream. he looked at Angel sleeping on his chest. Admiring his beloved. Even though he had a bit of drool on him. Pentious giggled. Angel was beautiful. His heart started to pound so hard, Pentious was sure it would wake Angel. He slowly moved his arm out from under him, and sat on the edge of the bed. He didnt want to disturb him. He looked so peaceful. The door swung open, the egg bois barging in "goodmorning mr boss man!" As they presented their master the couples breakfast. Pentious hood flared up in agitation, as he slapped one of the egg bois, sending him flying out the door. "Quite you, cant you sssee angel is still sssleeping!" Pentious growled in a low hiss. "Sorry mr boss man." Pentious rubbed his temples. "I'll take my breakfast in the balcony today." Pentious got up, and robed up. He slithered outside. He stretched and sat down at his small table. The egg bois placed his breakfast down, and handed him the morning paper.

Angel woke up, barley opening his eyes, as the bright red light hit him. He stretched releasing his third set of arms. He sat up on the edge of the bed. He saw a egg boi and just starred at him. The egg had a small towel on his arm and a fake mustach. "Mr Angel, mr boss man is awaiting you on the balcony with breakfast." Two other egg bois came in with little pink slippers and put them on angel. Angel looked at the egg bois, a bit uncomfortable. "Look I know penty has you do this stuff for him, but I alright, you guys can just leave me be." The egg bois looked at eachother in confusion. "But mr Angel sir. We are following orders from mr boss man." Angel frowned his brow a bit. As he placed his hands on his hips. "What orders?" The egg bois lined up "well mr. boss man said "you must keep Angel comfortable. Anything he desires bring it to him. After all he is my greatest treasure." He then made sure we understood to follow your orders to." Angel felt a bit awed by what Pentious said. "Thats sweet, but I'm fine. If I need anything I'll let you guys know." The egg bois gave Angel a salute and walked out of the room.

Angel stood up and looked out by the door of the balcony. Pentious sat their drinking coffee and reading the paper. He looked so mature. So sooo sexy Angel thought. He never felt so in love. Angel walked out in order to join him. Pentious looked up to see Angel come out. "Well good morni...." Angel sat on Pentious lap and kissed him. Pentious hood had flared up and his eyes widen in surprise. He quickly calmed down, as he closed his eyes, and wrapped his hands around Angle. Melting into the kiss. "Well that isss one way to sssay goodmorning." Pentious smirked as he held Angel close. Angel giggled, and curresed Pentious exposed chest. "Well what's for breakfast? I'm starving." Pentious used his tail to open the lid of Angel's tray. "Hey badass, strawberry pancakes!, and oooo a pink know me so well."

Angel got up and sat down next to Pentious. "Ssso what would like to do today my turtle dove." Pentious asked. Angel sat back for a bit thinking. Well I do need to run some errands. Plus check on fat nuggets, and then maybe we can have lunch at the little caffe near here. Pentious raised a brow a bit concerned. "Why would you want to go there? That'sss where I sssaid all those awful thingsss to you." Angel gave a light smile. "I think we have gotten way past that, dont you think? Besides it's near by, and it has good food." Pentious gave a small sigh. "Ok my dear if you wish." Angel held Pentious hand.  "Let me freshen up...I dont have cloths other than my dress. So we are going to have to go to the hotel first." Pentious put down his news paper. Grabbed Angel's hand and headed in to get ready.

Sir Dust. An unexpected love story(Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now