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For the first time since arriving at the cabin, Minho and Jisung are driving into the town ten minutes down the road. I say for the first time, but Minho has already been going every so often to get food and this is Jisung's first time going with him.

Jisung rolls down his passenger window and leans his head closer to it, feeling the wind whip in his hair and send the stray hairs flying out. He takes a deep breath of the fresh air as he admires the beautiful hills and fields surrounding them. After an entire childhood of living in the city, it's so unfamiliar yet calming to finally be out and in the countryside.

"It's so pretty..." he mutters to himself, and Minho glances over at him from the driver's seat, his hands resting loosely on the wheel. 

Minho doesn't say anything, just smiles briefly at the oblivious boy, and feels a warmth in his chest. After quietly turning on the radio, he focuses back on the almost empty road. As he drives, Minho hums softly to himself. Jisung starts to sway his head in time with the music, and he soon becomes lost in it. So much so that it barely registers when their car pulls into a parking space in front of the supermarket.

Minho leans back in his seat for a second and sighs, before turning off the engine. 

"Why are we both so bloody short?"

Jisung huffs, walking to stand behind Minho, "Hey," he says, slapping Minho's shoulder, "Piggyback me."

"What?" He turns around, and Jisung rolls his eyes.

"We're both short, and we can't reach the pasta. If you piggyback me, I can reach it. Duh..."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Minho asks as he begrudgingly turns his back on Jisung. But Jisung doesn't answer, just puts his hands on Minho's shoulders and jumps. 

"Hey!" He groans, forced to catch the younger and hold onto his legs, "Alright- just grab the pasta and get down, you're heavy."

"And you're weak."

"I am not weak!" 

Jisung frowns down at him, making Minho groan as he takes longer to get down, "You're built like a McDonald's napkin."

"So why didn't you carry me?"  

"Because," finally, Jisung drops down, and Minho lets out a breath of relief, "I have never worked out in my life."

Minho frowns, "What about P.E?"

Smirking, Jisung glances over his shoulder from his position sat on the front of the trolley. "You think I could be bothered to do that shit? I flunked almost every lesson." From behind him, Minho lets out a barking laugh. "What else do we need?"

As Minho glances through the list on his phone, Jisung grabs a tube of Pringles from one shelf and drops it into the trolley. Surprisingly, Minho doesn't notice. 

As the two of them go along, Jisung takes his opportunities and every so often chooses another item to smuggle into the trolley whilst Minho has his back turned. By the time they are at the till and in the queue to pay, Jisung has sneaked about eight different things into their haul. And it's not like they're over-buying - Minho had said that they should only buy essential food for now, but in Jisung's head, it's essential to get some actually tasty things too.

"For fucks sake Jisung..." Minho laughs to himself as he finally notices the extra items as he packs it all onto the conveyor belt. Jisung offers him a cheesy grin and finger hearts when the other glances his way, making Minho roll his eyes. Instead of forcing Jisung to take all of the things back, Minho just lets them be.

"Thank youuu," Jisung sings when he passes him to stand at the end of the till.

The older lady ringing up their items smiles at them, "Shouldn't you two young men be in school?"

Minho answers calmly, "We're college students, our school is part time." Although neither of them are tall enough to be their actual age - let alone a year older - the woman nods and believes them. Jisung lets out a sigh when she doesn't question them further - his chest had tightened when she'd initially asked. 

She hands Minho the change, and he pulls his wallet from his pocket. After peering into it for a second, he hands the notes to Jisung, "Can you put these in your wallet, please? Mine's full."

Jisung - having hardly payed attention - takes the money from Minho without a second glance, not noticing the piece of paper that Minho had sneakily slipped between two notes before giving it to him.

In fact, Jisung doesn't notice until they're back in the car, when he digs out the notes from his wallet.

Dear Hannie,

I see you, and you're beautiful.

Love, Minho

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