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"Alright Jisung, all of your tests results are looking very positive, so we shouldn't have to keep you here for too much longer." The nurse smiles a sickly sweet smile at Jisung. It's not the same nurse from the first day, and Jisung finds this nurse annoying. He mentally rolls his eyes at her tone - like she's speaking to a child - before nodding plainly. "And we know you live quite far away from here, so we're organising with your local hospital for you to have physio for your hand and to speak with a therapist when you return home."

At that, Jisung's eyes widen slightly. Thankfully, the nurse doesn't notice it, and she carries on talking nonsense that he doesn't even pay attention to. His attention was lost at the word 'home'.

Jisung had - in the time he spent with Minho in the forest - almost forgotten that the cabin isn't his real home. And the thought of returning back to the place where Hyunjin and his mother will surely be waiting for him sends a shiver down his spine.

"Okay," he says quietly, and the Nurse nods before finally leaving him alone.

Jisung sits in silence until the door opens again, and Minho appears in the doorway. "Hey."

"They're thinking of sending me back home." Jisung says. Minho stops in the middle of the room for a second, but then he sighs and sits down.

"I know."

Jisung's gaze flickers over to him. "I don't want to go back. I don't think I can."

"Jisung," Minho says, "I think you should live at home... It's not fair for you to live with me after i got mad at you like that."

He scoffs, "Bullshit." Jisung's arms cross over his chest and he turns away from Minho, instead looking out of the window, where he can see cars whizzing by along the road. "Mum and Hyunjin-"

"Are gone." At those two words, Jisung's gaze is wrenched back to Minho. He frowns at him questioningly, not even saying anything before Minho explains. "My Aunt admitted that Hyunjin left the school, and I asked my dad to go and check up on yours... apparently he's not doing too great." Jisung looks at his hands in his lap, where his useless left hand is being cradled by his right. "It'll be better for both of you."

Sighing, Jisung takes a moment to think. After all, the one person he's missed is his dad - and knowing that it would be just the two of them removes a looming weight from his shoulders. "Alright," he whispers.

"Let's go home."

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