December 1st

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You remember the first time you saw him.

It was a Christmas gala-thing and he was standing in a corner with his friends, laughing. When his eyes caught yours, you quickly looked away and went to your friends. Then when a slow song came through the speakers, you felt a poke on your shoulder and you saw the guy from before. He asked if you wanted to dance with him and almost got pushed out on the dance floor by your friends.
When you had been dancing for while you saw the guy look up, then you looked up and saw a mistletoe. Blushing you removed your eyes from the mistletoe and into these caramel, light brown eyes of his. Then he asked, if you would mind. You shook your head smiling, no. With his hands around your waist and yours around his neck, he slowly came closer and your lips slightly touched, not a kiss. And then he moved his hand to your neck holding it as he slowly leaned in and your lips touched in a romantic kiss.

Now he's on tour and he'll be home Christmas Eve, late at night. He has been on tour for about 2 years now. Of cause you've travelled with him, but only the first 6 months. You couldn't take the pressure so you went home after a long argument.
Otherwise you're fine. You love each other. You've been on and off for 3 years now, but you always get back together because you can't stand to be away from each other. Anyway back to reality.

You smile as you see your boyfriend Justin wants to Skype with you. You click answer and wait for screen to show you your lovely boyfriend.
"Hey princess" you see Justin wave. You wave back, "hey prince.." "So how are ya beautiful?" he smiles. "Fine.. I miss you" you pout. He chuckles, "I miss you more baby.." You sigh, "so how's the tour?" "Great.. I love performing... But I miss you.. I miss waking up to your beautiful face every morning... I miss your lips.. Sometimes I don't wanna be on this stupid tour I just wanna be with you" he explains. "Me too" you look down. "But hey princess.. We'll soon be together again..." You nod smiling a little bit. "I love you.. I'd better get going... My show starts in 30 minutes.." "I love you more.." "I love you most princess.. Can't wait to see you.. I'll call you soon" he hurries to say before shutting it down.
*An hour later*
You see a new post from Justin on Instagram. It's a video from his concert. Caption : "Hey princess... I miss you like crazy.. I love you... @*your/Insta*" In the video he is recording himself with his the crowd in the background as he says into the microphone how much he misses you, loves you and that you're his princess.
You smile and like the post, then post a picture of a flower with the caption : "I miss you too Jus.. I love you more @justinbieber"
You smile again as you see he has liked your picture and posted another picture of you and him with the caption : "I love you most babe.. @*your/Insta*"
"Oh god I miss him" you whisper to yourself close to breaking down in tears.

*Justin's POV*

You sit down as you watch the white snow's falling outside your tour bus. "Man you're gonna see her soon" Alfredo says as he puts a hand on your shoulder. You sigh, "I can't stand the thought that she's at home.. All alone.." "Maybe you can work something out with Scooter" he tries. You're close to crying as you exclaim that you miss her. "Don't cry.. It's gonna be okay" he pats your back. "Why can't I just cancel everything and go back to her" you exclaim as a few tears make their way down your cheeks.
"Because this is life bro.. You can only ask her to travel out to you.. Unless you of cause, as I said before, ask Scooter if there's any possibility that you can do something as crazy as taking a few days off.." he chuckles. You slowly look up at him, "I'll ask him if we can like push the concerts a little bit.. They'll still get to see me right? Just not at that date.." "Bro you're crazy.. He is like the most stressed out person.. He has a kid on its way and he has you to take care of.. And he has a lot of stuff to take care of.."
"I know.. But I just have to see her bro... It's all I want it's just to see her.. I haven't seen her for like a year a something" you exclaim. He sighs, "go ahead.. But wipe those tears away first.." You nodded, "see ya.."

"Scooter" you call. "In here Bieber" you hear him shout from somewhere nearby. You found his room and walk in, "Scooter you have to do something.. I can't stand to be away from her any longer.. What if you had to be away from Yeal like 1 or 2 years.. And not see her once.." "Justin you know I-" "Please I'm begging you... Just do something... Move the shows a little bit.. I just want you to try.. That's all.. I just want you to try your best.." He sighs looking up at you, "fine.. I'll try.. But meanwhile you're gonna perform like your life depends on it.. But I can't promise anything.." "Thank you thank you thank you thank you" you exclaim, once again.

"I love you baby" you smile. You really miss her. "I love you more" she sniffles. "Baby don't cry.. We're gonna se each other soon.. I promise.." you try, but your voice cracks. "Next time you're going on a world tour I swear I'm gonna join you," she sobs, giggling. You sniffle and let out a little laugh, then look away, avoiding her seeing you cry. "You crying?"
You shake your head and try to stop them from coming, "no.." "If you're crying, I'm gonna cry even more.." "You can't imagine how much I miss you... Like it's hell.. Really" you let the tears roll down your cheeks, as you look at your beautiful girlfriend.
"Know what?" You look up at her. "I'll fly out to see you... I can't live like this" she slightly smiles. "You don't have-" "I want to Justin.. I'll stay a few days, maybe a week. And then go back."
"Okay hold on a sec I'll just ask Scooter.." you smile at her and go out to find Scooter.

"Scooter can she fly out to see me here or wherever we are tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?" you beg. He nods, "she can.. We're staying a few days in London.. She can fly out there.. And that's the day after tomorrow.." "Thank you so so so much" you beam at him and run back to your girlfriend.
"You can fly to London the day after tomorrow.. We're staying a few days there" you smile at her. "Really?!" she exclaims happily. You nod. "That's so great.. I'll just buy a ticket then.."
"I'll take care of that okay... Just a sec baby... Can you deal with 10 hours on a plane? Or do wanna fly on my private jet?" you ask, knowing what she's gonna pick. "Private jet" she chuckles, "so that's a deal?" You nod, "yeah.. I'll just tell Scooter to tell the pilot to pick you up at LAX and drop you off at LHR.. Then I'll be there to pick you up I guess if I ain't in the middle of a show.."
"Best day ever" she sings happily. "Sweetie it's best song ever" you chuckle. "I know.. But it didn't really fit in so I changed it.." "Do you know how much I love you?" you ask. "Very much" she smiles. "I can't wait to see you" you exclaim. "Me neither.. I gotta go.. My mom is here.. She forced me to go out with her..." she smiles a sad smile, "I love you more than anything.." "Love you more princess.. Tell her I said hi" you look at her. Just admiring her beautiful face. It's flawless. Her skin is fair and tan. Her eyebrows are soft and dark. Her eyes are like beautiful dark diamonds in the sun. Her hair is soft, dark and has these amazing natural curls. Her body is thin, yet not too thin. Her ass is amazing after those squats she did. She has killer legs though. She has everything.
"I will baby... And by the way take a picture it'll last longer" chuckling she stands up. "Watch it *y/n*" you chuckle and she shuts it down smiling.

Under The Mistletoe | Christmas ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now