Chapter 11

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I am waiting outside for Jace, tire's squeal as he comes to a stop. I climb inside of his car avoiding his gaze.

"Are you okay?" He sounds either worried or concerned.

"No." That single word is all I could manage. At this exact moment I feel empty. He does his routine of one hand on my seat as he backs out.

He takes me to his house where the smell of fresh cookies completely envelops me. I kick off my shoes at his door.

"Mom!" Jace shouts, he is removing his sweatshirt to reveal a black V-neck. I catch a brief glance of his stomach and turn away.

"In here Jace, why are you yelling." Jace jogs off to what I assume is his kitchen. I want to move and just can't, I feel glued to the spot near the front door.

"You must be Olivia." This woman comes up to me. She has dimples identical to Jace's, she is thin and has a dark complexion. Her eyes mirror Jace's as well. I have never met his mother before, but this woman pulls me in for a tight hug. I wish so much I had the strength to hold back crying again. A stream of water silently falls from my face. I am meeting Jace's mom for the first time in tears. The woman rubs my back and holds me out in front of her. "Jace never mentioned how beautiful you were."

I swear Jace's face starts to flush, a bright pink in color.

"You're welcomed to stay as long as you need." She hugs me again.

"I am finishing up dinner and dessert, how about you two talk, I can call you two when it's ready?"

"Yeah mom, sounds like a good deal."

His mother takes off, I notice now she is wearing a lavender-colored apron with PJ's on and I try and not giggle.

"Jace she is so sweet.'' I look up to a face almost as empty as my own.

"What's wrong?"

"You, I hate seeing you like this Livi."

"I'll be okay, they said she will be okay, they want me to seek out help for her. I am just worried they will place me in the system."

"They won't I can bet, just stay positive. Your mother needs help that's all that matters. If you need a home you have one, right here."

I gather up my best attempt at a smile and hug him. He smells familiar, the smell of body wash and leaves. He holds me tight now. I feel his arms wrapped around me. My tears dry out and I feel slightly better. We stand there for a moment, unmoving until he lifts my chin. For a moment I think he's trying to kiss me, instead he just stares into my eyes.

"Dinners ready you two!" his mother's voice carries through the house.

"Coming." We both say in unison.

We're sitting at a large Oak table; it stretches out enough to fit about twelve people. Jace is sitting next to me and his mother is to my right. I see potatoes, beans, steak, and baked salmon.

"Dad joining tonight?" Jace asks, he's already tearing into the steak.

"No, I'm afraid he is in New York right now, something about an opportunity for promotion."

Jace nods in understanding, there's silence for a moment.

"So, what are your plans after high school Olivia?" Jace's mother looks up at me with a kind smile.

"I actually am not sure yet." I take a bit of potatoes.

"Have you considered any colleges?" She asks now.

"Mom leave her alone, let her eat." Jace gives her a look.

"Alright, I was just curious." She turns to me now. "I'm sorry if I bothered you dear."

"No not at all, no worries." I smile and try to eat. The food is good I'm just not that hungry.

We finish up dinner and Jace leads me up to his room. I sit carefully down on his bed; he's rummaging around for something.

"Here." Jace looks down at me, his eyes seem sad and cold.

"What is it?" I take what's in his hand, it is a small folded up piece of paper.

"I prefer you not to read it now, maybe when you're back home again. But when you're not here, I want you to read it."

I take the folded piece of paper and eyed it curiously. "What if I read it when I'm alone here."

"No, I trust you won't."

He sits down next to me on his bed and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"it's my fault, Jace." My voice shakes as I speak.

"It's no one's fault Livi, blaming yourself or anyone for that matter does no good here."

"If I sought help for her sooner, this never would have happened."

"That's wrong and you know it."

"I don't know..."

"I know that your mother will be okay."

Right at this moment I realize that I had been crying the entire day. I have lost my father and losing my mother physically would just be more than I could handle. I lay myself down on Jace's bed, he follows and wraps an arm around me. I can smell detergent and body wash. I take deep and steady breaths. I can feel my eyes heavy and willing to close.

"Livi." I can barely respond to him due to how tired I am.

"Yeah?" he kisses my cheek now.

"Remember how I told you not to fall in love with me?" Still sleepy I manage to reply.

"Yeah, I know."

"I think I might love you." His voice seems distant now and I am unable to respond as I am already asleep. 

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