Four Teenagers, The God of Mischief, and a stressed out Tony Stark

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            It started when May Parker died. Peter moved into the tower and Tony scrambled to help the boy heal. The kid was lonely but not for a lack of friends, but the lack of actually hanging out with said friends. Tony knew he needed to be around kids his age, it would be a big boost to Peter's mood, so he did what he knew best- spent money.

           After about six months of Peter living in Avengers Tower (spending most of it on his and Tony's personal floor or the lab, avoiding human interaction, lest he break down), Tony dragged him to an upper floor. The twenty second floor had once been a storage facility, used to store old tech, new tech, and the like, but Tony had other places for those things and he revamped the place into what he thought was a great teenager hang out.

            A fridge, freezer, and pantry stocked with junk food and soda, a Foosball table, a hockey table, some arcade games and pinball machines, a flat screen TV, an Xbox, a Playstation, a Wii, hundreds of video games, an endless supply of movies, and more. He was proud of the work he had done from the start but when he saw Peter's face light up at the sight, he thought his heart would explode with happiness. Finally, he had done something right. Tony convinced Peter to call his two friends, MJ and Ned for a sleepover (there were about five guest rooms on the twenty second room specifically for this reason, as well as tons of comfortable couches and recliners), and the two kids were giddy with excitement for finally being invited over.

            Pretty soon, MJ and Ned began to spend more time at the tower than at their own homes, and the three best friends would stay holed up upstairs, but at least Peter was no longer doing it to be away from people and was actually enjoying himself. It took time but Tony even began to like the other two kids, not nearly as much as Peter, but still, at least they didn't totally annoy him anymore.

            One day Tony walked in, a large box of pizza in his hands to give to them, and the three were playing a game of halo and gossiping, Tony paused when he heard his name.

"-is in a big prank war with Sam and Clint. We still haven't been able to clean all of the glitter out of the couch." Peter explained. The other two teens chuckled.

"Is Sam as cool as the original Avengers?" Ned asked.

"I think he is! He's very sarcastic though, so you can imagine how well he and Tony get along." he replied.

"Hence the prank wars," MJ said. Peter nodded.

"But whose your favorite Avenger?" Ned asked.

"I dunno, probably Thor." Peter answered. Tony gasped dramatically and the kids looked up.

"I thought I was your favorite Avenger!" he exclaimed.

"Well, I mean, you're cool and all, but Thor controls lightening!" Peter said. Tony shook his head and put the pizza down on the coffee table.

"I feel betrayed, Parker." he said.

"I'm sorry, Tony. Find a way to shoot lightening and then maybe we'll talk." Peter said. Tony rolled his eyes.

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