A Call From Home (Chriyotan)

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Peter Benjamin Parker always has weird luck when it comes to field trips, a consonance of systole and diastole. His very field trip when he was nine, he was two months from graduating from grade one, a freshie in an elementary school. The school was actually the sacred grounds of when he has first forged his friendship with Edward Leeds, who goes by Ned. The one true friend that he has been through these consecutive eleven years.

Going fanatical and exuberant when the seven-year-old, Peter was sitting in front of the plasma television. Observing the live news of The Tony Stark in a press conference, the one that was set up to explain what was the incident that truly happened when he was fighting with Iron Monger, AKA Obadiah Stane. He could feel the radiation and exhilaration from the reporters who were itching to dig out the truth that was buried so deep in the CEO of Stark Industries.

"The truth is...", His uncle Ben was asking him to shut off the television screen to avoid the distraction of having a family meal. Well, an edible meal at least. Aunt May was overbearing with her "skills" of not burning the pre-cooked steak that was bought at a cheap price in the Delmar's Deli-Grocery. Despite Uncle Ben's taunting that the steak just had to be microwaved, Aunt May kept protesting that not burning the steak in a microwave is already a very high standard for her. Peter, on the other hand, was getting engrossed in the television, and shutting out his guardian's voices. Holding his breath for a long time, his hands sweating beads, and his heart pumping so quickly.

"I am Iron Man."

All the reporters immediately stood up from their sits and congregate together, all bursting with questions and wanting more pieces of information from the Iron Man himself. Back in Queens, Peter stood in awe, with his jaw open wide, lasting for a couple of seconds, having his uncle Ben and aunt May to accumulate their thoughts and rendering it through their minds in why their nephew had started having the mystifying expression. Peter had then started swaggering around with triumph and jubilation, while uncle Ben and guffaw and started snorting while aunt May was snickering to Peter's actions made. At that time, Peter had finally decided where Tony Stark stands in his life now.

He galloped to his bedroom, almost tripping to the clothes that were lazily scattered to the floor, and started scavenging for his hidden diary. It was navy blue, with a striking horizontal crimson line laying in the middle of the book. He stripped the diary exposed, to a wrinkled piece of paper, with a few yellowish blotches due to the disuse after a long period of time.
A few pencil marks and discoloration from smudges were printed on the page, there were a few descriptions written on it. All of it was based on introductions in writing who this book belongs to, A bold "Peter Parker" was written on the first line. The rest were a few descriptions about himself, such as his favorite color, sports, best friends and etc. There was a blank on it, and he scribbled down, 'Favourite Celebrity: Tony Stark/Iron Man'. And this is how Peter got to find his inspiration to be an engineer in the future and have Tony Stark as a mentor that he will look up to.

When Peter Parker first stepped into the Liberty Science Centre, he was electrified to visit all the exhibits. It can literally be seen that he was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, just like a little puppy walking down the familiar park, excited to meet his old doggy friends with their owners. Being a nine-year-old kiddo, having his very first field trip in the world of science itself.

They were given a brochure about the in and out's about the public center, while most of the classmates were stuffing their brochure into their backs and just talking to their friends, and some were throwing it into the waste bin, and there were also a few several who started smacking their own friends with their glossy and matte covered paper. Peter was being obsessed with his own given brochure, scanning through the basic standard information, admiring the dedicated exhibits from each floor plan.

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