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My take on what happened after she turned into a vampire.

  Cami said, " thank you for letting me stay here and giving me space not to talk."

        >>>>>>Cami's phone rings<<<<<<

      Vincent: it's Kinney he's in trouble

Um klaus I gotta go I need to be somewhere.

Cami was standing on Kinney's  porch when she felt a chill. She turned around and it was klaus. Cami said, "seriously your following me, I don't need a babysitter."  Klaus said, "I heard it's rude when you show up to someone's house uninvited. Cami said, " Vincent said Kinney would be here."Klaus was shushing her when he heard a heartbeat and Kinney breathing heavily.

  So klaus kicked the door down and cami ran in screaming, " Oh my god will no!" Klaus said, " Camille!!"

Will said, " you shouldn't have come here, I'm foolish, worthless, and not loved."

The gun was still pointed at cami and klaus screamed, "PUT THE GUN DOWN!!"

Will said, "or what you'll save me the bullet." Cami said, "it's Lucien's compulsion, please klaus is there anything you can do." Klaus said, " invite me in."

So will invited him in and klaus told him, "what you don't see in yourself others see in you."

After that cami said, "he's packing, klaus what you did.." klaus interrupted and said, "was nothing"

Cami said, "it was not nothing" while holding his face and then klaus's phone rang.  After klaus answered his phone they walked outside. Klaus told cami that maybe Lucien had a cure for poison. He said, " it must be right next to where he keeps his cure for werewolf bites." "I'm sure he won't mind if we break in and borrow some."

   Cami said to klaus, " you go I'll be fine."  Klaus said, "no, I can't help my sister if I'm worried about you." "Right now the safest place for you is with me."

So after that they went to Lucien's apartment and got what they needed. When they got what they needed they headed back to the compound.

>>>>>>>>>>at the compound<<<<<<<<<<<

Rebekah was going crazy. She tried to attack Hayley but before she could klaus came in and yelled, "not her" and then Rebekah tried to go after cami and klaus said, "not her either."

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