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So while they were distracted cami ran with the cure upstairs. She went to find Jackson, when she did she handed him the cure. He took the cure stabbed it in Freya's heart.

Cami knew that Freya was safe she went to the guest room where she's been staying to get ready for the Christmas party.

When she came out from her room she saw klaus standing there waiting for her.

Klaus said, " let's go down stairs and eat dinner."

When they  got downstairs Rebekah came in. Klaus looked past her and said, "what is that."  Rebekah said, "I know it's not a a bonfire, but I improvised." "Come on its tradition."

Cami said, "tradition?" 

Then they all went to the bonfire to burn there wishes. Klaus, Rebekah, and Elijah were at the bonfire talking while cami, Hayley, hope, Jackson, and Freya were by the tree watching hope unwrap her presents.

             •••••••••••time skip•••••••••

     Cami was standing on the balcony when klaus walked and said, "you look.." cami said, "don't say tired." "You've been around long enough to know you should never tell a women she looks tired."

Klaus said, "I was going to say Contemplative." "A penny for your thoughts."

Cami said, "I was thinking about you." "And what Rebekah said." "Is it true that you see me as this fragile thing that needs to be kept behind glass."

Klaus told Camille, "I think of the ways Aurora could've hurt you." Cami said, "she didn't klaus, she didn't."

All of the sudden klaus said, "what makes you happy, makes me want to keep you so." "What scares you I want to tear apart." "I do not wish to watch you from behind glass Camille." Cami said, "what do u wish."

And then klaus kissed her. They both chuckled into the kiss.

  Then they went down stairs to clean up. After they cleaned up Elijah said he had to go.

Klaus and cami both went upstairs klaus's room. They made-out for two hours and then finally went to sleep.

Klaus woke up. When he turned around to face cami he looked at his hand and there was blood on it. So he looked at cami and she was dead. Klaus went crazy he flipped his table, he broke one of his paintings, and he through a glass vase at the wall.

He sat there on his bed holding her and then all of the sudden cami woke up.

When she woke up cami said, "klaus" klaus asked, "who did this to you." And then cami said, "Aurora" "she compelled me to drink her blood and then slit my throat."

When he found out what she did klaus hugged and kissed cami and he held her tightly because he thought she died.

Cami was covered in blood so she took a shower. While she was in the shower klaus went and killed Aurora. After cami got out of the shower she felt this pain in her body. Klaus told her, "your in transition." "You need to feed or else you die for good this time."

So when cami heard what would happen she just sat there. She said she was tired so she got up in bed and then she said, "klaus will you stay with me please." "I want to cuddle." So after that they cleaned up the blood mess on the bed and went to sleep.

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