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(Not my art, but it is absolutely LOVELY! I wish I could draw that good)

(A/N: About the Emmett thing, let's just say he went missing and it'll go along from there)

(Your Point of View)

You groaned and opened your eyes, a pounding headache disturbing your peaceful sleep. Feeling the soft covers around your body, you immediately realized you weren't in the Days City anymore, however you couldn't remember what happened. You sat up and noticed you were in a navy blue bed, a comfortable looking room surrounding it. There were drawings and toys strewn about, but it was pretty neat besides that. You slowly got out of bed and decided to investigate. As soon as you stepped out into the hall, you realized you weren't in any ordinary home. There were plenty of fancy (and moderately creepy) paintings hung on the walls, decorated with a golden outline around each frame. Peering leftward, you realized the hallway was extremely long, heck, that hallway was probably bigger than your entire house. "This has to be a dream.. how did I get here, and why? If I got kidnapped again, surely the [OPERATIVES] would've stopped the person who did it," You thought. A billion more questions circled your mind as you peeked out a nearby window. You realized it was raining as the water droplets quietly pitter-pattered on the translucent glass. However, looking closer, you noticed somebody in the reflection. Somebody other than you. You quickly whipped around and saw.. no one. You looked back to the window and wiped your eyes, the figure had vanished there as well. You shuddered and decided to explore further. Tiptoeing to the left, you heard a few faint voices conversing, so you decided it'd be best to go right incase they were hostile. "May I be excused to my room?" You heard, signaling you were most likely about to be in trouble. "Sure, make sure to wa.." A different voice said, mumbling a bit at the end so you couldn't exactly understand what he said. You glanced around and tried to find anywhere to hide, and with pretty decent luck, you found a bathroom to. You trotted over to the shower/tub combo and hid with the curtains closed, just incase. "Great, looks like my luck is working a little. But that person said they were going to their room, so there's no reason to wor-" Your thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and closing. "FUCK." You thought, carefully laying down so that the person doesn't see your shadow. "Ok, so they either have to do some business or shower, either one is a pretty bad situation.." You thought, shaming yourself for how creepy you were being. You waited for a moment before the sink turned on, signaling they most likely just had to wash their hands. You let out a sigh of relief as the door opened and closed once more. "Thank GOD my luck is turning around," You thought, slowly climbing out the tub incase they were still near. You went over to the door and peeked out, seeing no one, you opened the door fully and was about to leave until you heard, "Oh no.. where's the guest?!" You quickly scurried back to your hiding spot and hid once more, not exactly knowing why.

* * *

You had been hiding for about 10 minutes, the person had already checked in the bathroom, however hadn't thought to check inside the tub for some reason. You were about to fall asleep before you heard sobs coming from a nearby room. "T-hey're gonna k-kill me.." A voice whimpered. You slowly got out of your hiding spot and followed the sobs, eager to help the mystery person for some reason. Soon enough, you reached the door you thought the sobs were emerging from, the door you had left when you woke up. You now noticed that there was a sign on the door that read, "Jack's room." You slowly creaked open the door and saw a sobbing boy on the floor, his back was faced toward you and a mask was sitting beside him. Looking to the side you decided to explore a bit more before comforting the boy, to see if these people were good or not. You tiptoed to the left where the voices were now loud, they seemed to be arguing. You, however, didn't care. You were feeling adventurous and daring, and you wanted to meet them. You turned a corner that you thought was safe, but immediately saw a bunch of people arguing. You froze in fear and let out a little squeak as they all went silent, every single eye was on you. You noticed most of them were wearing masks, which made it even creepier that they were staring. One of them were about to say to say something, but you passed out before they could, making a loud thump on the wooden floor.

(Martin's Point of View)

We were all sitting at the dinner table when the usual argument had sprouted. This time, it was about Emmett being missing. Some of us believed he was dead, but others (including me), had hope that he was alive. Me and Jimi were probably the only ones who weren't really involved in the argument, but also the only ones who were most fed up with it. I slammed my fist down on the table and decided to try and shut them up. "ENOUGH!" I yelled, silencing them all immediately before putting my calm attitude back on, "We have a guest, at least try to act decent whenever she wakes up." Jimi let out a sigh of relief and began to eat once more, leaving a tense air in the room. "I was just saying that Jack needs to toughen up," Merle contorted, causing another argument to flare up. I sighed and put my hand over my face, pushing away my half eaten turkey leg. "Maybe I should check on Jack," I thought. I was about to get up when a squeak was heard from the corner of the room, causing the entire family to go dead silent. We all turned our heads to look at what caused the noise and, it had just so happened to be our guest, Y/N. I was about to say hello and welcome her to the manor when she all of a sudden passed out. "Dear lord, she was probably scared of all of your arguing, you heathens," I hissed, getting up and lifting her into my arms, "I'm going to go put her back in a bed, dinner is dismissed," The others quietly stood up and took their plates to the kitchen as I myself headed to Jack's room.

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