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                                       ~ Recap ~
"Please, sit down, JACK GET THE FIRST-AID KIT!" Martin yelled. It was then you had noticed Jack standing there, looking confused and scared. He ran off to wherever the man had commanded him to, you assumed. "Please, tell me what happened." He looked at you with an intimidating look.

(Your Point of View)

"I- uh..." You stared at the floor, dazed. You attempted to gather your thoughts, but you knew there was no way you were going to be able to explain this to him. "Might as well try.." You thought, inspecting your injury. "There was... a man... in a welding mask," You murmured, examining him as he listened. He seemed to perk up at the detail of the welding mask. "He wore a cross necklace and he... he broke in but.. somehow he's not here? I don't know I'm sorry," You panicked, looking around while still in shock. "No... it can't be.." He whispered. From under his mask you noticed what seemed to be tears falling. "JIMI, MORS, JACK, EVERYONE," He yelled, a serious yet concerned tone about him. He got up and ran towards the hall you had came from, and where Jack had recently disappeared. The world seemed to be spinning as the adrenaline began to wear off, your hand felt as though it was on fire. Reality began to hit as you finally realized what has been happening. "I can actually get hurt in the game, which means I can probably die, and I'm surrounded by weird creepy mask people whose last names are cult?! I need to find somewhere safe.." you panicked, attempting to think of some options, none seemed to present themselves. You looked at the halls, then at the door. It was probably smartest to get away from this 'family.' You had no clue where to go but you hoped for the best. You bursted out the door, and began running and running. It reminded you of your first experience in this world, sprinting from that cozy cabin, blanketed by snow and greenery. "Selozar! If only I could just find him.." You mused, picturing the mysterious boy. The forest around you had a sinister feeling, with an all familiar fog surrounding you. You brushed away the memories and ran faster, eventually stumbling to a halt. You reached the end of the baseplate, and remembered what had happened last time. "Am I lucky enough to have a clown to fall onto again?" Your thoughts were interrupted by a gruff and sinister voice behind you, along with a very cold hand on your shoulder. "You must go," he whispered, "I am sorry for frightening you, but you need to leave; for your own good." You turned to see the man with the welding mask once more. "Who are you.." You pondered aloud. The crunching of leaves and twigs suddenly became within hearing range, signaling the family was looking for you. Before he could answer your question, he took off his necklace and placed it around your neck. "It will protect you," he huffed, seeming hesitant to part with it. Without saying another word he shoved you off the baseplate, slowly becoming smaller and smaller as he faded away into the distance. You tried your best to stay calm, as screaming would only waste your breath, but fear nevertheless began to overtake you. You began to hyperventilate, as much as your body would let you. The feeling of falling for so long was beginning to make you nauseous, but you began to see a speck coming closer and closer. You braced yourself for a fatal impact but instead were greeted with.. meat? (NOT THAT MEAT GUYS NO-) The creature you had landed on suddenly began running around sporadically, throwing you off as if you were a bull-rider. The creature began heading straight for you when all of a sudden you were yanked on top of a pillar by the back of your shirt's collar, slightly choking you. You hacked and gasped for air and turned beside you to see none other than Mrflimflam. "Albert?!" You screamed, surprised as to why he was randomly in this monotonous realm. "Shut up and stay still," he said, covering your mouth with his hand and pulling you close, "It'll leave eventually."
He was extremely warm, and honestly it was comforting to finally be alone with an actual normal human being. You began to melt into his arms, exhausted and wounded, you craved rest. You had almost dozed off when the creature suddenly let out a grotesque noise, jolting you awake. You now realized it had returned to its spot, and you were still in Albert's embrace. Although you didn't really want to leave, you didn't want him to be uncomfortable, so you awkwardly pushed him away. "Sorry," you mumbled, afraid to look him in the eyes. Looking at your surroundings didn't make you feel much better either. A gray sky bore down onto this world, and black pillars, statues, and walls were scattered all around. The ground was made of only gray little pebbles, no dirt or anything. The most ominous of all, however, was the creature standing on its pedestal. It was somehow alive, and waiting for any opportunity to strike. A sign at its feet read, 'MEAT JESUS, do not touch.' Your attention once more landed onto Albert, and you began examining him, noticing that he had a bit of injuries himself. "Did that thing.. get you?" You asked, a look of concern and fear making it way into your eyes. "Uh, yeah, a couple times.. but I should be the one asking the questions, why the hell did you just fall out of the sky?!" He whisper-shouted, careful not to wake 'meat jesus.' "I honestly have no clue, maybe I can explain later, for now.. do you know where we are?" You asked, the eerie setting sent chills up your spine. "This, Y/N, is The Districts."

(A/N~ I told you guys I'd be back gahahaha!!! Had my writing gotten any better? I can't tell if this is too detailed or not for a sort of light hearted story- but also I wrote this at like 5am and I have not slept but 5 hours since last night so yeah!! woooo!!! Please lmk what you guys think and if I realize I was really dumb and tired I'll revise in the morning. For now, see you in the next chapter, I told you that wasn't the last of Alone and Selozar >;) )
(Word count- 1093)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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