Chapter 2

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As we leave my home I sat in his car tears running gown my face. I could tell he was looking at me as we hit a red light, I just keep looking out the window rather than look in his eyes again, seeing as the last time it caused us to imprint. When we stared driving again he said, "I'm glad you came to your senses and decided to come along."
I nodded, not wanting to talk as I was still trying to process everything. Yes I left but not really on my free will, I just didn't want anyone else dead. He sighed, "I think you're going to like New Orleans, love. It's has a very interesting history, you know."
I still didn't speak a word what was I gonna say, lucky for me I did have to say anything as he got a phone call.
He answered, "Hello", "No but I'm bring someone special back with me.", "I don't know I think there more concerned with other things now" , "Tell Marcel we should be arriving by tonight, so he needs to keep his guys in check." "Good bye brother."
I sat wondering which brother, I had all his memories I knew he had multiple and that he had "put them to sleep" multiple times as well.
"Love, you're gonna to have to talk to me at some point you know that right?"
I sighed, "Which brother?"
"Pardon me?"
"Which brother was on the phone?"
He acted shocked that what I said but answered with, "Elijah, my older brother."
I nodded and turning my head to look back out the window.
After hours of driving in silence I said, "Okay so I'm bored."
He looked over at me then back at the road, "I don't really know what to tell you."
I sighed falling back in the sit, "Why did you want me so bad? I understand that we imprinted, but to fair I don't really understand it."
He pulled the car over into a parking lot, he turned in his sit facing me, "I wanted you because we imprinted, and imprinting is something that happened to werewolfs."
"I know that, I know the basics but I was hoping that you would know more about it seeing as you're an original and y'know."
"Well love, imprinting is basically when two werewolf's fall in love even when there with someone  else or don't want it. It's an instant attraction, and you see the other person's memories. That's about all I can explain, I don't really know much about it either."
I nodded, he looked at me, "Why didn't you tell your family when you found out your were a werewolf?"
"I don't know, at the time my mom didn't know anything about vampires, werewolfs, or witchs, and my friends were all busy trying to stop, well trying to stop you. So at the time it seems less important, I talked my mom into it and I left to find some things out."
"Trying to find your real parents you mean?"
"Yeah," I said kinda shyly like it was wrong that I want to know my past. He started up the car again and drove back on the road. I guess like me he didn't have or know what else to say. We started driving in silence again.
I guess I had fallen asleep because I woke up in what I assumed was a hotel room. I sat up looking around the room, there was nobody here. He was gone, I sat for a moment debating on if i should leave, what would happen if I left. No I can't leave, he could go after my mom, my sister, or my friends, out deal was that if I left they would be okay. So I can't leave, I did however get up and I grabbed my purse and I started digging around fro my phone.
It was still in there, good, and I had tons of messages and calls from my mom.
I dialed her number scared about what she going to say, she picked up, "Where the hell are you?"
"Hi mom."
"Alexandra Lynn Forbes, where are you at?"
"Mom it's fine I'm okay."
"Where are you? Alex let me come get you."
"Mom I'm fine, mom I.."
"Alex please where are you?"
"I don't know, but I'm okay and that's all the matters."
"Alex, where are you?"
Before I could say anything I got another phone call ringing in. "Mom I have to go I'm getting another call I'll talk to you later. I love you, bye."
Damon great, I answered the phone,
"Alex where are you?"
"I don't know."
"You don't know, where you are. You know this is ridiculous, tell me so I can come get you. I'll get you home and we'll go back to my place since I figure you won't want to see your mom till she cools down and we'll get drunk and we'll get the one pizza you like. All you have to do it tell me where you are so I can come get you."
"Damon, I don't know where I am. Really I feel asleep and woke up in a hotel room, so I don't know where I am. I also can't leave."
"Why the hell not?
"D, I made a deal and I..."
"Imprinted, yeah so I've heard. Why the hell does it matter."
"D, it just it's... it a wolf thing okay. I um I can't explain it, but I can't leave. Okay, but I need a favor, please."
"If you come back you probably won't need that favor.
"That's true but, I'm not coming back so please, just do it for me. I need you to make my mom forget or make her be okay with it."
"With her daughter being kidnapped?wait let me rephrase her 17 year old, hasn't even finished high school daughter being kidnapped. No, I'm on her side, we want to to come back."
"Damon, please, you know I can't come back please. I'm begging you to make it easier on her."
"Alex, just tell me where you are, and we'll figure it out, we can stop him."
"Damon just help my mom please, please, because we both know that it's not that easy." I heard footsteps outside the door, then the handle moved opening.
"Damon I have to go, please take care of my mom and take care of Care."
The door opened and I saw Klaus holding a pizza box, as he walked in and saw me he smiled, "Hello love, glad you're awake. I brought you some pizza, pepperoni, green pepper, mushrooms, and extra cheese. I remembered seeing in your memories that's it's your favorite." He sat it down on the desk in the room walking over and sitting on the couch.
I smiled, he remembered a part of my memory that wasn't anything important, but he remembered it. Why did I care? Why does it make me happy he remembered it?
I answered with, "Yeah, it is my favorite." I walked over grabbing a piece, sitting on the end of desk. I sat there watching as he flipped through the channels on the tv. I just watch him for how ever long it takes me to eat a piece of pizza before, he said, "I can see you watching me, you know?"
"I'm sorry,I just um,"
He smirked a bit, "It's fine love, i think it's cute."
I started blushing, I turned my head away so he couldn't see it. I picked up another piece of pizza and started to eat it well more less shoved it in my mouth, hoping it would make me focus anything else other than him. His eyes, his hair that just looked perfect for some reason, and so I could stop thing about if he had abs. Of course he did though, just look at him.
The pizza was temporary fix to the thoughts but I knew that they would come back, soon. I know that but food worked for now. What the hell was I gonna do when I wasn't hungry? When it was just me sitting trying to ovoid eye contact with him? What was I going to do?

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