Chapter 10

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As I was half asleep I was woken up by the sound of someone in my room. I rolled over to be meet with eyes. I sat up rubbing the sleep from my eyes, "Hi, it's a bit late don't you think?"
Klaus said, "You shouldn't have done that."
I had completely forgotten as I was still half asleep, "Huh?"
"You should I have listened when I said Damon was busy at the moment."
"I needed answers."
He huffed, "I needed you to not interrupt!"
He just yelled at, wrong move, "I'm sorry, but to be fair I didn't realize you would be there. Seeing as you canceled our date for family drama I didn't realize that the Salvatore's were family."
"I was dealing with family things, he just happened to be the reason I needed to deal with them. That's still no excuse for you disobeying me."
I was taken back, "Disobeying you, since when are you in charge of me? Last time I checked I'm legal an adult."
"You're not an adult until you've live longer than 18 years."
"Tell that to the rest of the world."
"Alex, next time you need to listen to me when I tell you something."
I scoffed, "See you made the mistake of imprinting on someone who doesn't really take orders, I more less give them, or just don't do them."
"You will listen when ,"
"No, you're not the boss of me! Get out!"
"No, we are not done talking."
"Klaus,"my face was filled with angrier as was his, "Get out, please!"
"Alexandra, you will listen to me!"
"And if I don't! What will you do if I don't? Because I seriously doubt you'll kill me!"
"No love, I won't kill you, because wether you like it or not we have imprinted but, I have other ways to make you listen."
"What's that?"
"Listen next time and you won't have to know." With that he was gonna just a fast as he had appeared.
I was furious, what the hell did he mean. Had ways to make me listen, what the hell did that mean?
In a way I wanted to find out but, at the same time I knew.
He would go for my mom or Caroline,or any of my friends, I can't risk that. I know how bad his temper could get, I've saw it. Even before tonight and I knew how bad it was, and he also knew how bad mine is. Little does he know I won't have to listen to him if I don't speak to him, at least for a while. I doubt he'll come to the party now, if he does he'll be given the silence treatment, that will dive him crazy.
As petty as it sounds I know that it will make It'll make him more mad but, not at me, he'll be mad at him self for yelling at me. For starting a fight that didn't need to be started.
After this I couldn't sleep I walked over the box of photos and picked up the one of my mother and me, wondering about her. That's when it hit me, if she was with Mason maybe, just maybe Tyler knew of her. Heard his uncle of parents talk about her. It was a stretch but, maybe.
I woke up the photos still on the bed, I put them back in there box as Caroline barged in the room.
"What happened last night?"
I was a bit confused I know vampires have extremely good hearing so if she's taking about that she basically already knows.
"What do you mean?"
"What did your boyfriend do to Damon last night?"
Shrugging, "I have no idea."
"Really because Damon said you were there."
"I was for like 5 minutes, then I left. I have no idea what happened after that, promise."
"Alex, he almost killed Damon."
"So did I, it's not that hard."
"Alex, he can't keep almost killing people."
I scoffed, "Like I have control over what he does."
I started to pick out some an outfit as Care said, "You kind of do."
"Please do tell me how I have control over that's short tempered, asshole?"
She started laughing, "What did he do to piss you of? Yesterday you loved him, what happened."
"Nothing that's won't be fix soon."
"Well anyways, I had Alaric read up on imprinting and apparently you do have some control."
Not really believing my sister, "How Care, how can I a normal werewolf control the original hybrid?"
She rolled her eyes, "Well Miss nonbeliever, apparently you can sort of compel him."
I laughed, "Care, I'm not a vampire and you can compel originals."
"Alex, you can do something like competition, only with him though. All you have to do is give him you're wolf face, well at least the wolf eyes. So yeah tell your boyfriend to stop almost to killing people, before he does kill one."
"I would Care but, we're not on speaking terms as of now."
I started to the bathroom to get ready when Caroline said, "Then why is his car pulling in the driveway?"
I sighed, "I don't know, don't let him in. I'm going to get ready."
As I was in the bathroom getting ready there was a knock on the door, "Care, I'm busy!"
"It's not Caroline, love."
I locked the door, and he knocked again, "Love, open the door."
I keep curling my hair, say nothing not opening the door, "Alex, open the door."
I grabbed my phone:
Hey Care, thought I told you not to let him in
Yeah well I figured now would be the time for you to try it out. I'm on my way to meet up with Stefan, can't talk.
Ugh Caroline, why can't you do the one I thing I ask of you? I finished my hair and he was still there telling me to open the door. I walked over and sat on the edge of the bath tub, hoping he would give up and leave.
As I was sitting there on my phone I heard him say, "Alex, don't make me break down the door!"
I sighed getting up and opening the door not even really look at him. "So now you're not going to talk to me?" I shrugged walking into my kitchen grabbed a pop tart, "Alex? You're acting like a child."
I just ignored him and started eating my pop tart and walking back into my living room. "Alex, my 3 year old doesn't even give me the silent treatment."
I keep my mouth closed as I sat down an my couch turning the tv on, as he sat sown be side me. "Alex, come on talk to me. What's the issue?"
I sighed, "You! You came in my house and yell at me over nothing! Nothing Klaus, then because of you my sister is very angry with me, so I'm sorry that I'm not in the mood to talk."
"You don't listen that why I yelled at you, because you don't listen."
"Neither do you. I have to go I'm the guest of honor at the party thats starting in 10minutes." I got up and walked to my car, "Alex, I'm coming with you."
"Not anymore, I want to go get drunk with my friends, not fight. I'll see you when I'm not pissed at you."
"Alexandra, we don't have to fight of would listen to me."
I looked at him with my wolf eyes, "No listen to me I'm going to the party you're not. I'll see you tomorrow but, for today leave me alone."
He nodded and got back in his car, as I got in mine, on my way to the party. I guess Care was right, I do have a way to control him, even though I probably won't use it much.

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