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Author here! This story and others is also available on Kindle! Please consider buying my books!

She walked, silent, trembling, atop a black, still ocean, no stars, and no moon to guide her path. One step, then another, and then another, the water casting a glass-like reflection of her own fearful face, of her own fearful movements. She knew that out there in the darkness was the barely visible outline of a boy, just a little older than her. A boy she knew and loved, and yet, a boy who casted darkness with every movement of his. She became filled with a sense of dread, of uncertainty, of pure terror. The trembling of her body grew worse, the water beginning to ripple underneath her and splash her legs coldly. The girl didn't know what was happening, nor why- she only knew the feeling, the familiar and yet unfamiliar sense of fear, the unpleasant sickening weight in her stomach and painful clenching of her jaw. The way her hands subconsciously turned into fists, and the way the cold tears streamed down her face. No reason, no explanation, just the darkness, and the terror, and the cold.

She awoke with a start. Just another day... a school day, at that.

Sarah was completely ordinary. Not attractive, not unattractive, her dark-toned face dotted with more red acne than stars in the night sky, and frizzy hair that stayed frizzy no matter the amount of product she put in it. Sarah and her mom had recently moved to Jacksin, and like any young teenager, she was incredibly upset to move schools.

This and a few other reasons explained the overwhelming sense of dread as she walked into the school, almost mimicking her nightmare. She had her hood up, a dark backpack slung over her shoulder, and treaded slowly and exhaustedly, her plaguing nightmares leaving her tired constantly. Sarah made her way to her locker and clicked it open, placing her backpack inside with a subconscious attitude. Two large books in hand, she closed the metal door, and began to walk towards her first hour class, checking the schedule on her phone, and taking a deep, begrudging breath. I don't want to be here, she thought solemnly.

Suddenly, a short boy bumped into her. She looked down at him with distaste. The first few things she noticed about him were his freckles, a nose far too big, and a chin far too small. He was pasty and pale, his complexion the complete opposite of hers. He had orange curly hair nearly as frizzy as hers, and wide blue eyes. He looked like a child.

"Oh, sorry, kid," Sarah murmured at last, then walked around him.

"Hey, you're the new girl?" He had begun to walk beside her. The childish boy had a distracting bounce in his step and a radiant glow in his eyes. Sarah groaned audibly in annoyance. It wasn't exactly the type of positivity she yearned for; it was more like the ignorance of a needy little kid. Already, her mind was circling with sharp insults, and thoughts of leave me alone!

"What about it, kid?" She asked sharply, avoiding his eyes.

He grinned excitedly, "Oh, boy! You're a lot prettier than most people thought you would be!"

Sarah growled, "Oh really?" Great, she thought to herself, rumours spread just as fast as they did at my last school. What a disaster.

"Yep! What class do you have? Can I check your schedule? You know, I don't really have that many friends around-" he was cut off as Sarah shoved a crumpled piece of paper, her schedule, into his hands, and rolled her eyes. Yet, his eyes began to glow  even brighter than they already were. If he knows we don't have any classes together, she had thought, then maybe he'll leave me the hell alone.

"Well, would you look at that! We've got like, all of our classes together!"

With that sentence, Sarah flinched, and immediately knew that the sickening, anxious feeling that had been following her wasn't going to go away. Today, she thought, feeling lower than dirt and more annoyed than- well, anyone- today will not be my day.

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