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Sarah walked through the bustling hallway in the same way that she had many times before. She took a slight detour through the school, making her way to her locker before her next hour class. Sarah thought lightheartedly as she walked. Weeks had passed. With every weekend rehearsal, she and her friend group performed their dance routine better and more smoothly. As much as Sarah had dreaded it at first, she had grown to enjoy it very much and to find comfort in the regular movements and familiar choreography. The group was still undecided on a song, each person wanting to do their favourite and then disagreeing. They'd actually performed it in front of almost everyone's parents so far, receiving lots of praise. Sarah thought about that, too. Her mother and she had not had any more fights. In fact, her mother had taken different hours- she went into work much earlier, but got home earlier, allowing her to spend some time with Sarah late after school. Sarah was extremely grateful for this, as she didn't have to make dinner for herself anymore. Her mother would cook. They would frequently cook together, now. Sarah had also been going out with Tracy and Suzie more often, feeling comfortable with them as her group of girl friends. Sarah had turned in her and Tracy and Jeremy's powerpoint presentation a few weeks earlier, and although she'd done all of the work herself, she'd received a handsome grade for it, and they'd done well during their class presentation for it. The nightmares had grown less frequent, and it seemed as though she was no longer disturbed by her hauntings. With less stress, Sarah was able to focus on her schoolwork more, allowing her grades to improve. It seemed, for the first time in years, that everything was looking up for her. She took pride in it, basking in the happiness, in the contentment she felt. She knew that this made her vulnerable. She knew that trusting her friends made her vulnerable. But Eric doesn't control me. The past doesn't control me. I can make friends, and I can be happy. She decided to leave her bag in her locker, and only take her books with her. A familiar but unwelcomed face appeared beside her.

"Sarah," Jacob spoke.

"I don't have time for this," she said, rolling her eyes. He had begun to follow her around, teasing her and antagonizing her. Sarah had formed a strong hatred for him.

"Nah, wait till you hear what I have to say."

Harshly, "What?"

"I was thinkin' we settle our score," he said, a smug look on his face, "We could meet somewhere. Fight it out." Sarah stared at him blankly. I never back down from a fight, she thought, and didn't I promise myself I'd beat him, someday? But control myself. I control my ability to decline. To say no. Faced with two options, Sarah decided on a third.

"Alright. I think that, too. You enter the end-of-year talent show, and whoever receives the highest ranking on the scoreboard wins."

"Wait, what? I meant-"

"I know what you meant, Jacob. This is my offer. Or are you too shy to take it? Afraid you will lose?"

"No, fine. I'll do it."

Sarah smirked, "Good." I'll beat him, she thought. Me and my group.

"Under one condition," he said.

"What's that?"

"We each have to perform alone. I know you've been practicing with your group for months. That's unfair. Or are you too scared you'll lose?"

Sarah glared lowly at his smug face, "Fine. Let's do it."

"It's a duel," He said, reaching to shake her hand. Sarah didn't take it, and instead walked away coldly. What could I even do by myself for the talent show? I can't dance if I'm already dancing with my group, too. An unfamiliar, scary, and yet potential thought blossomed.

I could sing?

Sarah had been in choir at her old school. At her new school, she wanted to stay away from everything familiar, from everything that reminded her of her past. She wasn't the best singer there was, but she wasn't half bad, either. I'd have to get better, though, she thought determinedly. Jacob will probably do a comedy show, or a magic trick show. I'll have to be good to beat that. And I'll have to pick a perfect song. What if I sang and danced? It would be difficult to learn two, especially this far in the year already. But I'll have to, if I want to beat that bastard. Sarah felt dread fill her, and wondered if she'd made a poor choice with the whole thing. Though, she gulped, pushing the dread down. I can do anything I want to, she affirmed, and I want to do this.

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