Last Chapter: Where The Grass Is Darker

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Draco walked back to his room in wide unsteady steps, frustration had gotten the best of him. Nothing he did seemed to be working, not even his last desperate attempt at stealing some of that bloody stupid potion from Slughorn's office.

He had spent quite a while trying to sneak into the old git's office and when he finally did, he spent twice that time searching for the potion. He almost gave up but on his way out he dropped one of Slughorn's boxes and all the potions that were in the box fell to the floor. Hastily collecting them to put them back before anybody comes, Draco finally saw it. A medium-sized flask, full of golden liquid: Felix Felicis. Letting a couple of drops slide through his throat, he closed the flask and placed it back in the box before putting it back in place and leaving.

He hurried back to the room of requirement hoping this time his spell worked. "Harmonia Nectere Passus" he said pointing his wand at the cabinet in front of him, but nothing seemed to happen. Draco threw his wand to the floor violently letting out a loud desperate groan. Just another futile attempt, even luck couldn't help him with it!
Picking up his wand once more, he took a deep breath and tried to clear his mind in order to try the spell again but he suddenly felt faint, his legs were shaking and his eyesight was blurred. The exhaustion of the previous days was finally catching up with him, he thought grimly. Feeling the need to lie down, he left the room of requirement and headed back to his room.

Just as he raised his hand to the door knob, he heard a movement inside his room. Perfect, he thought broodingly. Just what he needed right now, an intruder. He blinked rapidly in an attempt to lose the blurriness that clouded his vision, then raised his wand and opened the door in a quick movement.

"Stupefy" he muttered, pointing his wand at the figure in front of him and it flew across the room before hitting the wall and falling down. Draco turned on the lights to see who it was and his mouth fell open when he saw his cousin. What was she doing there!

"Expeliarmus!" he said as the witch in front of him tried to stand up.

"Accio wan.." she started to say before he interrupted her.

"Imperio" he voiced and the older witch let out a sigh before letting her shoulders fall, looking at him blankly.

He started searching one of his drawers until he found his potion box, opening it, he ran his fingers idly over the tiny flasks until he found the one he had been looking for, a tiny flask that held a few drops of a transparent water-like liquid. He pushed it into Tonks's hand "Drink this." he ordered and she complied.

After several minutes he started his interrogation.

"Who are you?" he asked, unsure whether it was his cousin or somebody disguised as her.

"Nymphadora Tonks." she replied

"What are you doing here?" he asked

"I was placing this." she said, pointing her finger at his desk. Looking at the direction she was pointing at, he saw it. It looked like a small gift, wrapped in green with a silver ribbon on it, there was a card attached to it and his frown deepened as he read it. Pansy? What bloody madness was this!

After what seemed like ages of asking so many questions and receiving concise answers in return, Draco finally understood what was going on. Dumbledore suspected him, apparently he hadn't been discreet enough about his mission and it earned him the old wizard's suspicion. And out of all people, he had enlisted Granger to persuade him to spill his secret...pathetic. It made sense, though, she was Potter's best friend and Dumbledore probably trusted her.

The idea was remarkable however, he mused with a frown. Had he walked into the room finding this gift from Pansy, he would've eaten it without a second thought.
But he hadn't, he walked in earlier and now he knew all about Dumbledore's plans. He was several steps ahead of Dumbledore now and it gave him the upper hand, but did he really want it? Part of him wished he had stayed in the room of requirement for a while longer. The bliss of ignorance, he thought ruefully.

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