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For 1-A's heroics class Aizawa and All Might had scheduled a normal training for the students to build up their quirk. You on your way to ask Midoriya if he would like to spar against you. While walking over you saw him talking to All Might.
"Did you know, Young Midoriya that when you break a bone it typically will heal back stronger than before"
"So what you're saying is that I should break every bone in my body until I become invincible"
"Midoriya.. please don't"
"You know what they say. Go big or go home"
"I am begging you Young Midoriya. Please go home. For once in your life please just go home"
"im gonna go big"
"What the hell Midoriya?? Please just fucking go home Izu"
"If I become invincible. Surely I'll become the Number 1 Hero even sooner!"
"Izuku Jameson Midoriya"
"My middle name isn't—"
"Thank you"
"How did you do that Young (L/n). I'll pardon you from the swearing since you deterred Midoriya"
".. it was a gamble. I didn't think he'd actually listen to me" you sweat dropped.
"Well class is over now. Have a good day Mr.All Might!"
"You as well (L/n)"
broccolimight added trueclown, icythot, uRAWRka, sanic, angrypomeranian to Dekusqaud

So Kacchan. You're always angry
Do you want to talk about your feelings?

Fuck no

Bakugou! Watch your language please

I do!

Yes, I know Todo

I'm sad

Yes, I know Todo

Was that all you fucking added me here for
Damn nerd

sigh. There is nothing I can do to stop him then.

that is correct iida
But maybe if u talked abt ur feelings Bakugou
Maybe u would be more accepting to chat

I wouldn't
I'm leaving now

angrypomeranian left the chat

We tried
It was a waste

It was not a complete waste (L/n)
Now Bakugou knows we are concerned about him

Fair point


    My future spouse is probably fake laughing
    at their partners jokes right now.
    Be patient dear, a true clown is on her way

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